2023 LINA Conference: Alliances for a Resourceful City
2023 LINA Conference: Alliances for a Resourceful City
Fra Gratis
The 2023 LINA Conference will bring together the platform’s member organisations and the newly selected emerging talents—LINA fellows—along with local and international keynote speakers. It’s an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and discuss novel visions for the city that aspire to bring about more liveable futures.
The event is free of charge, and will also be streamed live on the LINA YouTube channel and e-flux.
Alliances for a resourceful city
Humanity is vastly exceeding our planetary boundaries: the ways in which we inhabit our planet are due for an immediate and radical change. In this environmental emergency, architects are called to take the lead. The contemporary city is the focal site where architecture should tackle environmental sustainability issues.
The majority of all buildings in Europe are found in urban settlements, where more than 70 percent of the EU population resides, even though adequate housing is increasingly outside the reach of those without generational wealth. Our cities, which were tailored to the production processes of the past, are eating up the majority of global resources while becoming emblems of social inequality.
Can we transform contemporary urbanity into a sustainable, post-extractivist metropolitan area? How can we encourage the shift from building to renovating? How can we organise our cities around sustainable mobility and efficient food supply? Can we intervene in the infrastructure that supports our excessive way of living and gear it up for processes of degrowth? The LINA community—an alliance of architectural organisations and emerging professionals and thinkers—wonders: can we create more resilient cities, focused on de-growth?
Programme and featured speakers
The two-day conference programme will feature 2023 LINA fellows, up-and-coming spatial practitioners that have just been selected at the annual Open Call, as well as invited speakers who will further expand the theme of the conference.
Focus talks: Keller Easterling, Camilla Van Deurs, Phil Ayres.
State of Architecture address: Nick Axel
28 LINA fellows: Rajna Avramova, E+D, ewa effiom, Alberto Roncelli, Foil&Soil Mishmash, Jade Apack, Johanna Musch, Océane Ragoucy, Rachel Rouzaud + Bernadetta Budzik, George Guledani, Baukreisel, EJ Williams, Soundcamp, Studio ACTE, Superposition, Laura Hurley, Anna Perugini, Giulio Galasso, Robida, METASITU, Dérive, DOING.pt, Spolka, Al-Wah’at, Future Foodscapes Research Unit—FFRU, Marió Molina_RDA Studio, Margarida Waco, Wit[h]nessing.
Produced by the LINA platform in collaboration with Copenhagen Architecture Festival and in partnership with the Royal Danish Academy. The event is supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Denmark, co-funded by the European Union.
CAFx is a non-profit organisation raising awareness of how architecture shapes lives and worlds.
Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering, Royal Danish Academy, 1435 København
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2023 LINA Conference: Alliances for a Resourceful City
Fra Gratis