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AN HOUR WITH Stanley Ollivier and Mamadou Wague

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AN HOUR WITH Stanley Ollivier and Mamadou Wague

From Free



Apr 25 2024 10:00 - 11:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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At this AN HOUR WITH we invite you to meet the two Brussels based artists Stanley Ollivier and his collaborator Mamadou Wague during their IN CONNECTION residency at HAUT in Copenhagen.

During the hour Stanley and Mamadou will reflect on the themes of the choreographic research on intimacy, togetherness, the body and on the creation of a guarded, safe space in the project "Spine Of Desire: Wounds without tears, out of one skin in diamonds and shit". The conversation will take the community building power of POC belonging spaces as a starting point in order to reformulate traditional choreographic approaches.

Stanley's artistic practice stems from the belief that a body has infinite possibilities to generate the unexpected and challenge the abstract, imaginative, and perceptive power of the human body. He is interested in physical investigations, including but not limited to movement and look into alternative modes of being, dancing and existing together while questioning notions of normativity and rigidity. His choreographic tools work with dance as a medium for creating shifty spaces of ambivalence and fantasy, swinging between fragments and fullness, deconstruction and construction, optimism and doubt.

At the moment some of the leading interests in his work are discovering new physical narratives and openings for a conscious innocence, while diving into practice of the crushing, joyful and persistent body.

Stanley Ollivier is a Brussels based artist working in the performing art field. He works with dance as a medium, but is active in the club scene and radio as a DJ. After the previous performance work "The Mirror Stand" and the duet "PARADE", Stanley is developing a new upcoming project, a trio called "Spine of Desire: Wounds without tears, out of one skin in diamonds and shit" (2025) in collaboration with the dancers Mamadou Wague and Lily Brieu Nguyen.
Learn more about Stanley Ollivier at

Stanley and his collaborator Mamadou were invited into a two week IN CONNECTION residency at HAUT in Denmark with the artistic project "Spine of Desire: Wounds without tears out of one skin in diamonds and shit". This opportunity blossomed out of HAUT's long term collaboration with workspacebrussels – a laboratory for research, experiment & creation in the performing arts. The two organisations are also providing the danish-based artists Sall Lam Toro, suziethecockroach and Keiria Hissabu two weeks of residency at workspacebrussels this spring to work on their artistic project "BODY TONGUES: TECHNO_RAGE".

Participation in AN HOUR WITH is free, but please book your ticket as seats are limited.

AN HOUR WITH is HAUT's format for an informal conversation, which provides space for short or intense immersion in an artistry or an artistic practice. It is an opportunity to meet artists in an informal setting and gain insight into knowledge that is usually only available to the people who are part of the work process.

Photographers: Miguel Soll and Matias Rocha Moura

This event is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, The Bikuben Foundation and the Municipality of Copenhagen.


HAUT takes the performing arts to new heights. To be able to aim high we begin by diving into the process.

With a focus on residencies, we insist on offering space, time and dialogue to all aspects of the artistic process. Here we show art in its early and raw state and open up the conversation to find new perspectives.

When we turn our gaze to the unmeasurable and the unfinished, we offer the artists new conditions for sharing and risk-taking.


HAUT, Lygten 39, 2400 København NV


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