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Anniversary tour - Botanical Garden through 150 years

Anniversary tour - Botanical Garden through 150 years

De DKK 110,00


Múltiples franjas horarias

7 Agosto 2024 - 14 Agosto 2024
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Anniversary tour - Botanical Garden through 150 years

Experience the iconic Palm House and Denmark's largest collection of rare plants from around the world on a guided tour through history.

In 2024, the Botanical Garden celebrates its 150th anniversary at the location on Nørrevold. The tour takes you both around the romantic garden laid out in 1874 and into the famous Victorian Palm House, which was built with the founder of Carlsberg, J.C. Jacobsen, as mastermind.

The Botanical Garden is a living museum with roots that go back more than 400 years. On the tour, the history of the plant collection from past to present is told through a multitude of the garden's plants with branches for both collection, research and dissemination.

As a special feature, the tour goes through the garden's conservation greenhouses with Seidenfaden's famous orchids and other rare plant collections that are not normally available to the public.

The ticket also gives free access to one visit on your own to the Palm House on the day of the tour during normal opening hours. Find the opening hours for the Palm House here. 


Duration: 1 ½ hours

Language: This event is in English.

Number: There can be up to 25 participants on the tour.

Meeting place: Entrance via the main entrance to the Botanical Garden near Nørreport Station (Gothersgade 128). We meet in front of the Botanical Garden's shop. The ticket is presented on arrival, and the tour starts on time.

Wheelchair users, unfortunately, cannot take part in the tours in the Botanic Garden, as the route goes via stairs in the listed Palm House and/or on the stone mounds in the garden.

Under normal circumstances, it is not possible to exchange or refund tickets for the tour. Should the event be cancelled, you will be notified directly by email from Billetto, and we will automatically refund the ticket price.

We reserve the right to change the program due to weather conditions or renovations in the Botanical Garden.


The Botanical Garden is a green haven in the heart of Copenhagen, which invites you to immerse yourself in the world of nature. The Botanical Garden was laid out in 1874 according to a garden plan by landscape gardener H.A. Flindt. Its was then renovated in 2012 by landscape architect Jens Hendeliowitz, who, among other things, is known for the restoration of the palace gardens at Fredensborg and Frederiksborg as well as the King's Garden in Copenhagen.

The old garden is part of the Natural History Museum of Denmark and differs markedly from other parks in the big city by being a living museum with research, dissemination, teaching and nature conservation as its main tasks.


Statens Naturhistoriske Museum ligger på Øster Voldgade 5-7 og består desuden af Palmehuset og Botanisk Have i København. Find billetter til vores events og rundvisninger her på profilen, eller besøg vores hjemmeside for øvrige aktiviteter.


Botanical Garden, Gothersgade 128, 1123 København


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