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Art Hub : Talk : FCNN [Feminist Collective with No Name] & Neda Sanai

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Art Hub : Talk : FCNN [Feminist Collective with No Name] & Neda Sanai

De Gratuito



Sep 24 2020 17:00 - 19:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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In the spring of 2020, artist group FCNN [Feminist Collective with No Name] participated in Art Hub’s residency Studio Program. Having spend the summer in Berlin, the artist group is now returning to Art Hub Copenhagen to present their work, commissioned to the 11th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art. is created in close collaboration with producer Neda Sanai, and partly developed and produced during FCNN’s residency at Art Hub. Thursday, September 24, the artist group – now named D.N.A. – will present their collective project and invite the public to join a debate about the number of questions the work poses. All of this together with Mathias Kryger, art critic, curator, and moderator. is a collaborative and ecofeminist work that unfolds both online and physical at the BB11. To organize, take ownership, and create communal agency, numerous international artists are invited to contribute to the project and thereby challenge the notion of the singular artist as a producer of finished art commodities.

Altogether, will present a type of concept store with reading cyphers, new seasons with new artist, and work made by D.N.A., for instance t-shirts and zines.


TALK: FCNN [Feminist Collective with No Name] & Neda Sanai
Thursday, September 24, at 5-7pm

The conversation is in English. Moderator is Mathias Kryger, independent curator and art critic at Dagbladet Politiken.

Hot soup will be served right after the talk.

The event is for free, but registration is required via Billetto. In the light of Covid-19, Art Hub provides only a limited number of seats.


FCNN [Feminist Collective No Name] is an open artist collective comprising artist Dina El Kaisy Friemuth and film director Anita Beikpour. Their work is rooted in activism and spans performance, video, text, and workshops, often carried out in interdisciplinary collaborations.

Since its start in 2016, FCNN has launched a variety of initiatives to create mutual support and develop alliances as artists in Denmark and beyond. FCNNews used the format of a news program as an instrument to subvert traditional notions of who speak and who is heard. The topic covered went from white institutions and representation to the geopolitics of gentrification to activist and community-based resistance. Furthermore, members of FCNN have been involved in the creation of The Union - Cultural Workers' Union for BIPOCs in Denmark.


Art Hub er en faciliterende, eksperimenterende og netværksskabende kunstinstitution i København.

Vi tilbyder residencies for kunstnere, internationale udviklingsprogrammer, tværfaglige fællesskaber og offentlige events, som præsenterer og diskuterer kunstnerisk arbejde og forskning.

Art Hub er til for billedkunstnere, for forskere, for samarbejdspartnere og for alle, der er nysgerrige på samtidens kunst.


Art Hub Copenhagen Art Hub Copenhagen, Halmtorvet 27, 1700 København V


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