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Astrid Engberg at H15, VINTERJAZZ

Evento annullato

Astrid Engberg at H15, VINTERJAZZ

Da DKK 160,00



Feb 10 2023 20:00 - Feb 11 2023 01:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Astrid Engberg er en af de mest interessante nyere navne på den danske live scene. Med udgivelsen af albummet ‘Tulpa’ på det danske label Creak.Inc i 2020, har hun modtaget en steppeulv som årets producer i 2021 som også var året hvor hun vandt en DMA Jazz award for årets vokaludgivelse. Sidenhen har hun spillet i både Sverige, Italien og Frankrig og er langt fra færdig med udlandet. Pt. Arbejder hun på højtryk for at få sit næste album færdigt.

Denne aften bliver en aften hvor nye numre kan opleves og gamle numre i nye klæder, eftersom Astrid og sit band har brugt over 2 år på at perfektionere deres liveset. Man kan roligt forvente noget af det bedste, som den danske musikscene har at byde på. Både inden for den nye jazz, kontemporær beat og nykompositorpsk musik, er Astrid Engberg et frisk pust og en af de absolut dygtigste producere, komponister og vokalister foruden også at være en efterspurgt DJ.


Astrid Engberg is one of the most interesting recent names on the Danish live scene. With the release of her album 'Tulpa' on the Danish label Creak.Inc in 2020, she has received a Danish Critics award as producer of the year in 2021, which was also the year she won a DMA Jazz award for best vocal release. Since then, she has played in both Sweden, Italy and France and is far from done with international gigs. As of now she is working hard to get her next album finished.

This evening will be an evening where new compositions can be experienced and favorite tracks from ‘Tulpa’ can be heard, since Astrid and her band have spent over 2 years perfecting their live set. You can safely expect some of the best artistry, that the Danish music scene has to offer. Astrid Engberg is a breath of fresh air and one of the most talented producers, composers and vocalists, as well as being a sought-after DJ, both within the new jazz, contemporary beat and new compositional Nordic music.


Luogo dell'evento

H15, Halmtorvet 15, 1700 København


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