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Comply with the Paris Agreement: Can We Build Within Planetary Boundaries?

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Comply with the Paris Agreement: Can We Build Within Planetary Boundaries?

Från Gratis



5 jul 2023 17:00 - 19:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


Join a panel discussion on science-based CO2 targets for the building industry that follow the Paris Agreement and the planetary boundaries. Learn about the Reduction Roadmap, its adoption in Denmark, and the need for international scaling.

The Reduction Roadmap empowers investors, developers, consultants, contractors, and authorities across the industry to set specific emission targets for buildings. As such it is a benchmark showing whether a project is supporting or breaching the Paris Agreement.

The roadmap has been widely adopted as a scientific baseline for the Danish building industry. Now, the time has come to scale the initiative at the European and global level to create a climate-centred movement.

Swing by Living Places Copenhagen on July 5 for a drink to hear about the journey of the Reduction Roadmap by its initiators and join the panel discussion between European and Danish climate leaders moderated by Pernille Berg.

The talk is an official UIA Side Event. Participation is free and the event is open to everybody.

After the discussion, you can get a tour around Living Places Copenhagen.

Living Places is a newly built housing demonstration project documenting how to reduce lifetime carbon emissions by two thirds and showcasing what is already possible today.


John Schellnhuber

Founder & Managing Director, Bauhaus Earth

Hans Joachim (John) Schellnhuber is Director Emeritus of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, which he founded in 1992.

Since 2019, Schellnhuber has been working intensively on the transformation of the built environment and the potential of wooden buildings as carbon sinks. He is the co-founder of Bauhaus Earth and a member of the New European Bauhaus High-level roundtable.

Signe Sand

Architect and advisor, the Danish Climate Movement

Architect Signe Sand has a background in climate activism and is a special advisor to the Danish Climate Movement (Klimabevægelsen). In 2020, she received the award “The Sustainable Element” for her personal contribution to the green transition of the Danish society and building industry.

Niels Kristian Johne

Chief Proporty Manager, PensionDanmark

Niels Kristian Johne is Chief Property Investment Manager at the largest Danish pension fund PensionDanmark specialising in the purchase and sale of sustainable property. Johne has also been deeply involved in the purchase and development of several urban areas.

PensionDanmark is the largest pension fund in Denmark and was the first major property investor to take on the Reduction Roadmap as the target for future investments. In parallel, PensionDanmark has put extensive focus on biodiversity in all their projects.

Pernille Berg | Moderator

Research & Programmes Director, Fonden For Entreprenørskab

Pernille is a passionate educationalist and has extensive experience with creating new educations, new learning communities and environments, and international collaborations, including steering group responsibilities in EU projects.

Moreover, Pernille is a keen moderator on the international scene addressing sustainability, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship.


17:00 Welcome and networking with refreshments

17.30 The Reduction Roadmap journey by Sinus Lynge, EFFEKT, Steffen Maagaard, Artelia Denmark, and Mikkel Schlesinger, CEBRA

18.00 Joint panel discussion with John Schellnhuber, and other climate leaders (TBA) facilitated by Pernille Berg

18.30 Drinks and networking (+ tour of Living Places Copenhagen)


Time: 5/7/2023, 17.00 – 19.00

Location: Living Places Copenhagen (Pavilion 6), Otto Busses Vej 29A, 2450 København SV

Hosted by: Artelia, EFFEKT, CEBRA, VELUX

Attendance: Free and open attendance on July 5. Feel free to sign up to let the organisers know how many will attend.



The Reduction Roadmap sets CO2 targets for the Danish housing sector and scales activity within planetary boundaries for climate change and aligns with Danish national commitments to the UN Paris Agreement. The roadmap is initiated by architectural offices CEBRA and EFFEKT and consulting engineers Artelia. Learn more here.


Visit the five open pavilions and access the two finished homes in full-scale, open to guests between 17.00-19.30. 

Living Places Copenhagen represents the first set of prototypes of the Living Places concept, built by VELUX in partnership with EFFEKT, Artelia, and Enemærke & Petersen. It demonstrates that we do not have to wait for future technology to build homes that are healthy for people and the planet. The project is built with a CO2 footprint of 3.8 kg CO2 per square metre per year – three times lower than the current Danish legislation of 12 kg - while also prioritising daylight, indoor climate, and a price matching the market. Learn more here.


CEBRA is a Danish architecture and design practice founded in 2001 and owned by architects Mikkel Frost, Carsten Primdahl, Kolja Nielsen and Mikkel Hallundbæk Schlesinger. With a growing international portfolio of projects from across the globe, CEBRA employs a multidisciplinary staff of more than 65 employees working from offices in Aarhus and Copenhagen.


Living Places Copenhagen (Pavilion 6), Otto Busses Vej 29A, 2450 København

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