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Copenhagen Grotesque Burlesque: The Baroque Ball of the Dashing Duke || Royals and Rogues at the Palazzo di Venezia

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Copenhagen Grotesque Burlesque: The Baroque Ball of the Dashing Duke || Royals and Rogues at the Palazzo di Venezia

Ab Kostenlos



07. April 2018, 21:00 Uhr - 08. April 2018, 03:30 Uhr
Billetto Peace of Mind
Buchen Sie mit Vertrauen: Billetto garantiert eine Rückerstattung für stornierte Veranstaltungen, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen. Erfahre mehr


Note: A credit card fee of 2.5% is included in your ticket price as per the new EU Legislation for events taking place after the 13. January, 2018. Previously, this fee was added after you clicked 'buy'. This is separate from Billetto's own fee. Copenhagen Grotesque Burlesque does not keep either fee.

Group Discount: In Level 3, 4 and 5 tickets, it is possible to get a Group Discount. If you buy 5 tickets at once you will get a group discount - *Only valid for Level 3, 4 and 5*

Participant Ticket: 175kr! More than anything, we'd love to have a party full of participants. To join us as a participant, read this page, and fill out the form.

You are invited to:
The Baroque Ball of the Dashing Duke featuring Royals & Rogues at the Palazza di Venezia. 7. April, 2018.

The duke invites you to his palace in beautiful Venice. He and the Duchess are holding a baroque ball, with stunning costumes and endless intrigue. The only catch? To gain entrance to the ball, you must entertain the Duke, Duchess, and their guests - and all guests have the same requirement, so the question is, what will you do?

Royals romance rogues, and unique and extraordinary circumstances present themselves around each turn of the palace's halls. Within the palace walls, gold and silver drip from the ceilings, and skirts are ruffled as strangers pass. Who is beneath the mask? The bravest go without masks. Unmasked is in.

Extravagant hats are paired with exquisite ball gowns, silk waistcoats, and patterned trousers. Jesters display a rainbow of colours as they trick or treat the guests, and courtesans flirtatiously greet the most esteemed, or the most adventurous in the crowd. A strict dresscode is in effect - and entry is only gained if you are outlandish and crazy in your attire!

You simply can't guess what you'll see next, a performance by a daring burlesque diva? A feat of acrobatics by the royal contortionists? A concert, so beautiful, it brings tears to your eyes? You'll have to join us to find out. See you on the 7. April, 2018 at Damhuskroen, the Palazza di Venezia for this one night only!

Design & Art Direction - Malene Habroe
Photography - Mads Høbye
Model - Dorte Holbek


Copenhagen Grotesque Burlesque is a playground for the outlandish, the bizarre, the playful, the joyful, the creative, the passionate, and those who love to dress up, engage with others and expand their creative boundaries.


Damhuskroen Damhuskroen, Roskildevej 244, 2610 Rødovre


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