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Copenhagen Jazz Festival: HALVCIRKEL Releasekoncert

Copenhagen Jazz Festival: HALVCIRKEL Releasekoncert

From DKK 70.00



Jul 09 2024 20:00 - 23:59
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Halvcirkel debuterer som komponister med det nye albummet Vida, der udkommer den 14. juni på det britiske pladeselskab 130701/FatCat Records.

Halvcirkels præsentere deres nye album Vida for første gang, i en fortolkning hvor numrene flettes sammen, gennem improvisatoriske overgange og drømmende lydflader.

Halvcirkel debuterer både som komponister og som artister på det bristiske pladeselskab 130701/Fatcat Records som huser flere anerkendte artister på den post-klassiske scene (Shida Shahabi, Clarice Jensen mfl.)

Gennem droner, klare landskaber og simple melodier der står fast eller falder fra hinanden, har Halvcirkel prøvet at fange det lille og det store i at være menneske. 

En følelse af at der samtidig med at alt i verden virker til at være i totalt kaos, altid findes en dyb og beroligende energi at hente kraft fra. Udtrykket spænder fra det legende til det mere seriøse og indadvendte.

Halvcirkel har siden 2015 rørt sig frit på den danske musikscene i samarbejde med andre komponister og musikere; Terry Riley, Jonathan Bremer, Anders Lauge Meldgaard, Signe Lykke, Craig Leon, Madame Nielsen, Girls in Airports, Sleep Party People.

Halvcirkel is making their debut as composers with the new album Vida, which
will be released on June 14 on the British label 130701/FatCat Records.

Halvcirkels present their new album Vida for the first time, in an interpretation
where the tracks intertwine, through improvisatory transitions and dreamy

Halvcirkel debuts both as composers and as artists on the British record label
130701/Fatcat Records, which houses several renowned artists on the postclassical
scene (Shida Shahabi, Clarice Jensen, etc.)

Through drones, clear landscapes and simple melodies that stand firm or fall
apart, Halvcirkel has tried to capture the small and the big in being human. A
feeling that at the same time that everything in the world seems to be in total
chaos, there is always a deep and calming energy to draw strength from. The
expression ranges from the playful to the more serious and introverted.

Since 2015 Halvcirkel has moved freely on the Danish music scene in
collaboration with other composers and musicians; Terry Riley, Jonathan
Bremer, Anders Lauge Meldgaard, Signe Lykke, Craig Leon, Madame Nielsen,
Girls in Airports, Sleep Party People.


Huset is Denmark's first culture house and has existed since 1970. A cultural platform where volunteers and alternative cultural environments create events and artistic projects. Together with different cultural partners Huset presents different cultural experiences from concerts to theater and performances, talks, underground cult movie screenings, food culture and cross-artistic projects.


HUSET, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København


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