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Copenhagen Theatre Circle: Fringe Festival 2024

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Copenhagen Theatre Circle: Fringe Festival 2024

De DKK 110.00


Múltiplas faixas horárias

16 Maio 2024 - 19 Maio 2024
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserve com confiança: a Billetto assegura o reembolso de eventos cancelados, garantindo a sua tranquilidade. Saber mais


Fringe is back! This year, the Copenhagen Theater Circle will host its Fringe Festival from May 16th - 19th.

We will be presenting nine 30-minute original works across four incredible evenings of theatre. This is a golden opportunity to see a diverse variety of new ideas brought to life for the very first time!
Look forward to enjoying completely original works written or directed by local artists.

Location:  Literaturhaus, Møllegade 7 2200 Copenhagen


Thursday, May 16th 19:00 start time

Friday, May 17th 19:00 start time                        

Saturday, May 18th 19:00 start time                       

Sunday, May 19th 14:00 start time

Run time - 2.5 hours with a 20 minute intermission

Show details: 

Group One - Thursday & Saturday night                  

“Never So Alone” written & directed by Ronan Vallely                           

Three friends meet in a bar to tell a story about love in isolation. Through their story we go on a journey that will help us understand the benefits and pitfalls of hope.

"Come Along for the Ride" written by Rozina Kanchwala, directed by Christof Gleie                                            

 Two women grapple with the emotional toll of climate change, while exploring climate migration, deciding to have children amid environmental uncertainty, conscientious citizenship, and the significance of community. Come Along for the Ride!

"Unearthed" written & directed by Ross Barnwell           

The Great War is over. Before humanity reclaims the old battlefields, two men are faced with the task of exhuming its dead.

"Without mint tea, life is not worth living" written & directed by Eleonore Pierrat                                             

An old and lonely man remembers his youth in colonial Africa and his choice to leave at the Independence. He needs to overcome his loss to connect with a young boy and his mother and finally find peace.

"My Tea's Gone Cold - A Magical Love Story" written & directed by Hazel Alva                                                 

Two women, whose mental illnesses have caused them to isolate themselves, happen to meet each other at a bus stop and connect over something far more unusual and fantastical than their minds.

Group Two - Friday & Sunday night

“The Chess Club” written & directed by Ahmet Akkoc   

 The only thing not discussed in the Chess Club is chess. A secret society trying to figure out human nature, the Chess Club amasses admissions of guilt from its members in the name of psychology.

"A New Set of Wheels" written by Maxine Epstein, directed by Micah Epstein                                                         

After driving his car into his neighbour's living room window, Morris an 86 year old man, has to retake his driving test and prove to the world and his daughter that he is still a vital human being whose life still matters.

"The Lake" written & directed by Laura Holme-Hoske                                                                                       

Cousins ​​gather at their grandmother's house on the lake to have a moment's peace with their memories before the rest of the family arrives in town for her funeral. Peace is hard to hold onto when you need it most, but, as grandma always said, trust the process.

"Pepper Willow Poppy Sage" written & directed by Ellen Paulig                                                                             

A warm evening full of romance and possibility. Watch a couple try to figure out what happened. If it happened. And how?


LiteraturHaus er et kraftcenter for litteratur. Vi afholder koncerter, oplæsninger, debatter og meget mere i vores unikke lokaler på Nørrebro.


LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, 2200 København


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