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CopenX Realities 2019 May 7-9

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CopenX Realities 2019 May 7-9

De DKK 500,00



Mayo 07 2019 08:00 - Mayo 09 2019 18:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Expand your reality

CopenX Realities provides cutting-edge insights into the latest developments in the XR industry with keynotes, summits and an expo filled with first-movers, executive leaders and opinion-makers from the industry to qualify the conversation about the present and future use of immersive technologies.

3-days Copenx @NextM Expo and Conference at Tap1 the 7th-8th of May + CopenX summits at IDA the 9th of May

This year we continue our collaboration with NextM on the 7th and 8th of May as a merged conference and expo at Tap1. From the main stage, leading visionaries will open your mind to innovative thinking and possibilities and on the breakout stages, you will be introduced to actionable ways of working and products that will make you ready for the future, today. In the extensive tech garden, you can get personal experiences with disruptive technologies, connect with new partners and network with like-minded people

1-day CopenX Realities Summit at IDA - Keynotes + panels May 9th, 2019

On the 9th of May, we transform into an independent one-day event focusing solely on XR technologies. We have a strong line-up of brilliant keynote speakers as well as theme-based summits where we deep-dive into 3 hot topics in immersive technologies:

  • Body/mind
  • Create/Storytelling
  • Interfaces and Digital Transformation

CopenX @NextM May 7-8th

Chagall - Nikolaj Stausbøl & Hannah Gutkauf - Sam Field - Scott Murnan - Martin Krafft - Filipos Arvanitakis - Simon Silva - Yasaman Sheri - Matias Søndergaard - Emil Asmussen - Galit Ariel

CopenX Summit May 9th. 

Barnaby Steel - Dave Hunt - Robert Chaston - Jaroslav Beck - Mathias Gredal Nørvig - Harri Manninen - Sofia Seinfeld - Yasaman Sheri - Morten Bo Søndergaard Svendsen - Thomas Saaby Noer - Tre Azam - Tiare Feuchtner - Kristian Andreasen - Thomas Poppelgaard - Lynda Joy Gerry - Arnaud Colinart - Signe Ungermand - Maria Herholdt Engermann - Cristian Anton - Ksenia Avetisova 

Confirmed speakers: 

CopenX @NextM May 7th & 8th @Tap1:

Galit Ariel - Founder and creative director, WondARlands

Louis Derungs - Pain neuroscience expert, Mindmaze

Scott Murnan - NVIDIA

Matias Søndergaard - Co- founder and CPO, Rokoko

Peder Sandqvist - Outhere

Nikolaj Stausbøl & Hannah Gutkauf - Molamill

Oobah Butler - Writer & Filmmaker, Vice

Bob Hoffman - CEO, Type A Group

Andrew Keen - Author

Che-Wei Wand - Partner CW&T

Pamela Pavliscak - Faculty, Pratt institute

Tu-Lam Pham - Founder, Digital IQ

Anders Christjansen - Advisor, 1996

Thomas Winther Poulsen - Innvation Center Denmark

Finn Wikander - CPO, Clear Channel

More to come

CopenX Summit May 9th @IDA: 

Barnaby Steel - Founder and Creative Director, Marshmallow Laser Feast

Jaroslav Beck - CEO, Beatgames

Yasaman Sheri- Design Director and leader in designing interfaces, Gingko Bioworks

Arnaud Colinart - Producer, AtlasV 

Sofia Seinfeld - Expert in psychology and human-computer interactions, University Bayreuth

Lynda Joy Gerry - PhD Fellow at Multisensory Experience Lab & Augmented Cognition Lab at Aalborg University Cph.

Tiare Feuchtner - Ph.D. at Aarhus University she researched embodied user interfaces for VR and AR applications.

Robert Chaston - Ambeo Ambassador Sennheiser

More to come

CopenX 2017


We're thrilled to announce Realities, a knowledge-sharing platform by CopenX Realities founder Therkel Sand Therkelse. We kick it off with a series of sessions featuring CopenX Realities speakers from 2016 to 2021. This is a unique opportunity to reflect on how their perspectives have evolved.

We'll revisit the pivotal questions of the past: How did they envision XR and AI reshaping society, business, and culture? What predictions materialized, and which didn’t? However, our lens will not be retrospective.

We’ll engage in a foresight-driven dialogue, projecting into the future based on lessons from the past and present. In a time when immersive technologies like XR and AI, are evolving at an unprecedented pace, our commitment to being a platform for enlightenment, exploration, and community discussions, is more vital than ever.

Realities - XR and AI knowledge-sharing activities. 


TAP1 TAP1, Raffinaderivej 10, 2300 København


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