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Curawaka - Live in Copenhagen

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Curawaka - Live in Copenhagen

Fra DKK 200,00



28 apr 2024 kl. 16:00 - 20:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Dear friend on this path of life.

You are invited.

Sunday afternoon on the 28th of April, OACACAO is offering medicine for the heart and the soul.


Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/event...

We will once again see the international musical group gracing the stage with their unique soundscapes and captivating melodies, blending elements from indigenous traditions, traditional Latin-American folk rhythms, and enchanting Scandinavian folklore.

With a profound passion for indigenous cultures, Curawaka has embarked on a transformative journey, spending years living with and learning from diverse tribes across the globe. Their music is a reflection of this profound connection with the natural world, filled with harmonies inspired by native cultures worldwide, celebrating the voices of First Nation Peoples, their spirituality, and their deep connection to the land.As they travel through Europe, Curawaka is excited to finally celebrate the release oftheir long-awaited second album, "Dreamtime". 

This album narrates the soul's journey through earthly existence and the heavenly beyond, weaving a magical tapestry through sound and soul. With their exquisite musical craftsmanship, the band artfully blends world root rhythms and celestial melodies, crafting a musical experience that transcends boundaries and embraces unity.

This sacred space will provide the perfect backdrop to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of cultures and emotions that Curawaka masterfully brings to life.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to witness the magic of Curawaka live on stage. Let the celestial melodies and world rhythms guide you on a journey of hope and unity.

World medicine music band. Mystic roots and sacred horizon. Healing and prayer in sound. Soundscape influenced by sacred deserts, jungles and highlands. An ode to Pacha Mama and to life itself. Principle members from Norway, Argentina and Mexico. Genres: New World, World Folk, Latin, Medicine Music, Scandinavian, World Fusion
Band Members: Alberto Arroyo, Tavo Vazquez, Anna Bariyani

More info:






Under 16: 200DKR

If you are under financial pressure, but carry a deep wish to join us, then we have a few spots open on the helper team to make this dream come true. 

Please write a PM to Wake apply.

Doors open 16.00

Concert is approx.3 hours.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.With Love - Wake and OACACAO


Cultural innovations and interpretation. Ceremonies and therapies. Activism and art. 


KuBe , Dirch Passers Allé 4, 2000 Frederiksberg


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