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Debat: True Crime & Sand underholdning

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Debat: True Crime & Sand underholdning

From Free



Sep 24 2017 13:00 - 14:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Nordisk Paneldebat


I 2014 startede den amerikanske podcast Serial ikke alene en revolution for podcast-mediet, den kickstartede også en ny guldalder for true crime-radiodokumentaren. Der er ikke noget nyt i, at høre krimi i radioen, men det at genåbne en sag og tage lytterne med på efterforskningen har vist sig at være enormt velegnet til podcast-mediet. Senest har den svenske podcast Spår sågar gjort det, som Serial ikke kunne: Gennem deres afdækning af sagen medvirkede holdet bag podcasten til, at en mand blev frikendt for et mord, han ikke har begået, efter at have siddet 13 år i fængsel for det.

Til denne paneldebat vil et panel af nordiske journalister og radiodokumentarister diskutere, hvor grænsen går mellem underholdning og retssystem, mellem menneskeskæbne og mikrofon. Har grænserne flyttet sig med Serial – og hvad betyder Spårs nybrud for true crime-genren i radio?

Arrangementet er på engelsk.

Arrangementet er gratis, men kræver tilmelding via

__________________ ENGLISH VERSION ______________________

Nordic Panel:


In 2014 the American podcast Serial didn’t just start a podcast revolution – it also created a golden age for the true crime genre in radio documentaries. Listening to true crime stories on the radio is not a new phenomenon, but the combination of re-opening a specific case and questioning someone’s guilt has proved to be very addictive listening. Recently, the Swedish podcast Spår did what even Serial couldn’t do: They played a part in the acquittal of a man who had been jailed for 13 years for a murder he didn’t commit.

At this event, a panel of Nordic journalists and radio documentarists will discuss the relation between entertainment and jurisdiction. Has it changed with Serial? And what does the breakthrough of Spår mean for the true crime genre of radio?The event is in English.

This event has free entrance, but needs sign up through


Københavns Radiobiograf is a voluntary nonprofit organization that has contributed to the development of the new golden age of sound storytelling in Denmark. Since 2013 we have held more than 100 listening events.


Absalon Kirke, Søndre Blvd. 73, 1720 København


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