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Veranstaltung beendet


Von 85,00 DKK


DESIRE(S) is a performance and an after-show meeting with spectators; an event where dance, sound and lights unfold a performative erotic place (safe, respectful and feminist).

We will have an affordable bar (with a special signature cocktail!) and snacks during the whole event, and we invite you for a night of art & conviviality. You are invited to join with your presence, words and desires. 

In this choreography we share the power of each other's joyful forms as the basis for understanding what is not shared between them, and lessen the threat of their difference.

An intimate system that claims our desires beyond the social imaginary. What mechanisms channel and control desire? We look for other forms to think about desire beyond anthropocentric parameters.

Where does desire begin and how is it articulated? We do not want to capture an image or represent it, we want to create a live contradictory space, that is able to question and subvert the order.

“Desires cannot be held indefinitely. What counts for desire is not to get its object, always contingent and anecdotal, but to desire, because if desire is satisfied it dissolves.” Marta Segarra

We know how DESIRE (S) will look, but we do not know how it will make us feel; we know it moves, sounds and lights up as an erotic place for our desires to unfold. “The erotic is a measure between the beginnings of our sense of self and the chaos of our strongest feelings” Audre Lorde

Concept and Choreography by dance artist Lucía Jaén Serrano, developed together with sound artist Rafael Cañete.
Event facilitated by Tanya Rydell, Marina Dubia and Line Dahler-Eriksen.
Video: Paula Peña

The artistic work developed has been supported in Valencia (Spain) by public institutions and private organizations: APDCV, La Mutant, La Granja - Institut Valencià de Cultura, Festival Fem (m) e Dansa Sagunt, Festival Migrats (Teatro de lo Inestable SL) , Festival Dansa Valencia, Graners de Creació.

Unfortunately, the boat is not wheelchair-accessible.
Ticket: 85 kr-
If you can not afford the entrance, contact Marina at mcollors@hotmail.com.
We can offer 10 spots each day on a donation basis.
The economy goes directly to support the piece production and the artists' salary.



Bådteatret Bådteatret, Nyhavn 16, 1051 København


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