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English Comedy Night // SuperCut Inspirational Sports Comedy

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English Comedy Night // SuperCut Inspirational Sports Comedy

Von 75,00 DKK



17. April 2024, 19:00 Uhr - 20:30


𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗖𝘂𝘁 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: "Chasing Gold - The Spontaneous Sports Film" - a hilarious and inspiring sports film comedy show that will have you cheering in the aisles

🏆 SuperCut hits the stage with an improv comedy show that captures the spirit of iconic sports films like Rocky, Karate Kid, and The Mighty Ducks.

🏀🌟 Get ready for a mix of humor and inspiration as underdogs rise, teams clash, and last-minute victories unfold, all based on your suggestions.

🎽🍿 Be prepared for an evening filled with underdog tales, unforgettable rivalries, and edge-of-your-seat moments, all woven into scenes that mix humor with the thrill of competition. 

🏅 Gear up for an unforgettable journey where every game is a story, and every story is gold.

Who are SuperCut?

SuperCut is a team of professional comedians and performers with over 40 years of combined experience performing in front of live audiences. These comedians study films intensely to take the stage and create new and never-before-seen comedy shows based on your favorite movie genres.

What is Spontaneous Comedy?

Spontaneous, or improvisational, comedy has no script or predetermined dialogue. Think sketch comedy but not even the performers know what will happen before it does.

The charm comes from the audience watching the actors on stage discover sketches in the moment and right in front of their eyes. How can we prove it's not scripted? Well, you are the one to give us the inspiration for the show!

Come, sit back, and laugh along with us as comedians weave your ideas into a tapestry of comedy gold!

Doors open 18:30

The show starts promptly at 19:00

Latecomers may be subject to a hold and admitted only during a suitable break in the performance. We highly recommend arriving on time to avoid any disappointment.

Recommended age limit of 16+

To stay up to date with all of our Inconspicuous Comedy shows, check out the website at https://inconspicuous.eu/


Inconspicuous produces comedy shows across Copenhagen and is a "theatre without a theatre". We work with venues across Denmark to deliver high-quality English language comedy nights.

Each show is unique and a one-time experience. See each event for details on what you can expect from each of our different events

To stay up to date with all of our Inconspicuous Comedy shows check out the website at https://inconspicuous.eu/


Lygten Station-concert venue, comedy club, theatre, Lygten 2, 2400 København


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