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Von 70,00 DKK



18. April 2024, 19:00 Uhr - 21:30


New Experimental Cinema Club (Klub for ny eksperimentalfilm) aims to screen contemporary experimental films from around the world, showcasing the multitude of cinematic languages in the 21st century. Everyone is welcome. The series is curated by Viktor Retoft, and our first installment explores the (dialog-less) works of British experimental filmmaker Scott Barley (b. 1992).


19:00 = “HINTERLANDS,” directed by Scott Barley, 2016, 7 minutes / an exploration of moving landscapes.

“WOMB,” directed by Scott Barley, 2017, 16 minutes / an exploration of the body.

“SLEEP HAS HER HOUSE,” directed by Scott Barley, 2017, 90 minutes / Film critic Tom Charity writes: “Redolent of the films of Sokurov and Tarkovsky, Scott Barley's feature debut invites us to contemplate landscape, shape, texture and light, but often in absentia. It is a nocturne of long, static takes, wordless, yet vivid, even ecstatic in moments of searing, revelatory and indelible beauty … Barley shoots his films on iPhone revealing the radical aesthetic potential of the very cameras we always have at hand. The smartphone camera is as important for contemporary experimental film as the 16mm and 8mm camera was for the movements of the 60’s, the videocamera for the 80’s, and the digital handicam for the 00’s… Barley’s films are slow and meditative and mainly work within dark gloomy colors, why they are best experienced within the confines of the cinema. His films epitomize the importance of the cinematic space in a time of small screens. …“By removing his filmmaking from any traditional sense of narrative, character, and, even temporal/spatial unity, Barley invites us to see the world—and the cinematic image—anew.” – James Slaymaker, film critic

NOTE TO THE PUBLIC; If the show is cancelled for any reason you will get a full refund, but, if the show takes place and if for some reason you cannot make it, we cannot refund your money - you need to give your ticket to a friend or sell it onwards yourself, in which case it is helpful if you e-mail the name change on to our house manager, Jack, at jack.stevenson@mail.dk … and also feel free to contact him directly if you have any other questions.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Our cinema and cafe are available to rent for any type of occasion- contact Jack about that.    



Husets Biograf, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København


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