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From Feathers to Floggers - a queer and kinky weekend for the body and mind

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From Feathers to Floggers - a queer and kinky weekend for the body and mind

Fra DKK 1.000,00



08 jun 2024 kl. 10:00 - 09 jun 2024 kl. 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Join us this weekend for a magically queer and wonderfully kinky experience with Ceci Ferox.

Our senses are an abundant resource of experiences, offering avenues into pleasure, pain, and emotion. 

This workshop is designed to help you explore the diverse landscape of sensations, from gentle caresses to intense impacts, all while fostering a deeper connection with yourself and others.

Throughout the event, we'll delve into the realms of touch, pain, temperature, taste, smell, and sound.

You'll have the opportunity to experiment with various techniques and sensations, guided by a curated menu of options. Whether you're curious about the delicate touch of feathers or the sharp sting of a paddle, there's something for everyone to explore.

A central focus of the workshop is understanding and practicing consent. We'll delve into the theory behind kink and consent, exploring concepts such as negotiation, boundaries, and communication. Through interactive exercises and discussions, you'll learn how to navigate these dynamics with confidence and respect.

Whether you attend with a partner, a group of friends, or on your own, you'll find a supportive and inclusive environment to explore your desires.

Please be aware that while the activities are designed to be enjoyable, there is a potential risk of bruising, heightened emotions, and physical reactions.

Here's what you can expect from the weekend:

  • Touch meditation to ground and center yourself before diving into sensory exploration.
  • Hands-on activities exploring different methods of touch, using both your body and various objects.
  • Sensory play sessions involving temperature, sound, smell, and taste, allowing you to engage all your senses.
  • Exploration of different techniques for creating and experiencing pain, ranging from light to intense sensations.
  • Demonstrations and practice sessions for stingy impact play (such as spanking, caning, and flogging) and thuddy impact play (including kicking, punching, and using heavy tools).
  • In-depth discussions on impact play safety, including risk awareness and risk mitigation strategies.
  • Workshops on consent and negotiation specifically tailored for sensory and impact play scenarios, empowering you to engage in kink activities confidently and ethically.
  • Ample time for participants to connect and engage in play with each other or themselves, whether you come with a partner, a group of partners or are seeking new connections.

To fully participate in the workshop, we recommend bringing comfortable clothing that allows for movement, as well as any personal items you may need for self-care. Additionally, if you have any specific requirements or need, please let us know in advance so we can find the best option possible for you!


The workshop is a 2 days full immersion for new to kink and more advanced practitioners looking for a safe(r) deepening into self exploration.

The event is Queer Based but any gender can join in the full respect of all the diversities. No matter your gender expressions or sexual orientation, we expect you to be queer or a good ally for queer, fat, bipoc comunities. 

You can find at the end of the event description some infos about what you have to know to join this event.

Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 17.

A Silent room is available for people who may need a space to decompress. 

The studio is a bright, full of light, cosy space in Amager, fully furnished with a kitchenette and some snacks available during the breaks.

Tickets are available until 24 hours before the event, but consider that the places are very limited! 

Prices for both days:

Low incomers 1000 dkk 

Full price 1450dkk

Supporters 1600 dkk

About the educator:

Ceci Ferox is  a Berlin based queer, kinky and fat sexologist, kink activist, and rope nerd. They have been organizing and teaching shibari  and Kink since 2014, and a sex therapist since spring 2021. ​

​They teach Japanese inspired rope bondage, BDSM and sexuality at Karada House and internationally from top, bottom and switch perspectives. When teaching and organizing events, they draw on their expertise as a community educator to bring people together. Their goal is to create safer spaces for people to communicate through rope and kink.

​In their  BDSM practice they focus on curiosity and exploration of interpersonal dynamics, empowerment, pleasure, stillness and growth. 


Do you really take care of marginalized people and groups?

Do you acknowledge your priviledges, if you have it?

Can you confront your prejudice and bias?

Can you avoid to presume people's gender, nationality, orientation, relationship constellation, health situation?

Do you know how to manage pronouns and are you able to respect them?

If you can answer yes to all the previous sentences you are welcome to this event!



Shetlandsgade 3, 2300 København


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