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Grønt Marked Harvest Festival - Workshops

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Grønt Marked Harvest Festival - Workshops

Von 150,00 DKK


Grønt Marked is organising a Harvest Festival on October 2nd in Refshaleøen.

It will be a beautiful day, with our usual market plus workshops, talks, music and some
food and we have some wonderful people coming to share their knowledge with us!

Check out the workshops programme here and make sure you choose the ticket for the specific workshop you'd like.


Kombucha 11:30 - 12:30

Table Ferments https://www.instagram.com/tabl... will show us how to make kombucha! The drink that needs no introduction - except it stems from a scoby that is also somehow a mother and needs love and care and to be fed. Wow. Table Ferments have spent years perfecting their delicious and vibrant beverage and they're here at the Harvest Festival to help us make our own.


Garum 13:30 - 14:30

Garum might not be your top of mind condiment but it's been around for ages and was traditionally made by the people of the Roman Empire. Garum has even been called the ketchup of the Roman world! Originally it's a fermented fish sauce and it makes everything better. Everything. Lorenzo (from Rome!!) will teach us about it's origins and how to make it - but from bread! Historically good times and good taste.


Fresh goat-cheese 15:30 - 16:30 

Summer and Claus from Copenhagen Goat Milk (https://www.instagram.com/cope...) are smiling, talkative and very passionate - you might have met them at the market before? They're classics! And very knowledgeable about goats and how to make life better with such a great animal. They have a regenerative farm where they do dairy products. Everything from yoghurt to chèvre to soap and more. Goats are famous for being able to produce everything you'll need - and Claus and Summer knows how to make that everything taste like a dream. At the Grønt Marked Festival they'll teach us how to make a ricotta-like fresh goat cheese.


There's 20 spots for each workshop.

We'll provide all the tools. Just bring your best apron, book your tickets here and we'll see you at the market.

Looking very much forward to seeing you! 



Lille Bakery Lille Bakery, Refshalevej 213A, 1432 København


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