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John de Ruiter - Spring Retreat

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John de Ruiter - Spring Retreat

Da DKK 500,00



Mag 27 2020 14:00 - Mag 31 2020 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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It is with great joy that we announce the return of John de Ruiter to Scandinavia for 5 days of meetings and open mics at Moen Retreat Centre on the beautiful island of Møn.

Canadian Philosopher John de Ruiter is an innovative voice for spiritual evolution. He invites each of us to uncover our own deeper knowledge within with his foundational message of openess and softness of heart. Since his own awakening as a teenager, John has devoted his life to opening this deeper knowledge and bringing it into expression. With tender wisdom and grace, through words and silent connection, John provides us with an opportunity to come to rest while actively realizing what we really are.                                                                                                                                  "Openness and Softness of heart is the cosmic plug-in both to your own being and to the actual opportunity that you are in a body for." -JdR

Profile                                                                                                                                                                         John is the son of Dutch immigrants to Alberta, Canada. His father was a shoemaker who taught the trade to his son when John was a boy. As a young man, John experienced years of turmoil after a tremendous awakening came and went. After three years reaching for it, John relaxed in 'absolute surrender and okayness,' and found again his well-spring of awakening. Since 1986, John has developed a vast body of teachings, sharing his awakening with thousands of people around the world.      In his home of Edmonton, Alberta, John established The College of Integrated Philosophy to hold weekly meetings and quarterly seminars.  More information at

Practical Info                                                                                                                                                                The retreat includes 2 meetings and several open mics per day, taking place from 11:00 until 22:00. 3 Meals a day also provide occasions to converse more informally with John.        

Tickets & Accommodation                                                                                                                                             You are welcome to arrive the night before the retreat starts - or stay the night after. Extra nights are charged 50 € per night incl meals. Beddings and towels rental 20€. We ask for cash payment for extra nights and beddings upon arrival, please write to for booking extra nights and if you need beddings/towels.                                                                                                                                                                     If you require a single room, please book early as there is only a limited availability of single rooms. Should you need to cancel your registration for any reason, you may do so before May 10, 2020.

How to get there

From Copenhagen Airport to the venue by train and bus is approximately 2,5 hours. You take the train to The CPH Main Central Station directly from the airport. From the CPH Central Station you catch a train southward, getting off at ‘Vordingborg St.’ – Which train to take depend on the time of day. Check: the specifik train and departure time (When you make the search put, ‘From: Copenhagen Airport to: Vollerupgade 2A, 4792 Askeby). From Vordingborg St. you take bus nr: 664 to ‘Vollerupgade 2A, Damme’ (Telle the Bus driver to let you off at the bank in Damme. From the bus stop it is a 5 min walk to the venue.                                                                                          Train from Germany: Go to to make your search from where ever you are and to Vordingborg St. There are 5 trains during the day that can take you from Hamburg to Vordingborg St. (via the ferry from Puttgarden to Roedby). In Vordingborg you take bus nr. 664 to Damme.                                                                                                  By car – from Germany Whether you drive north from Germany an E47 or E55, you continue until you reach Farøbroen (Faro-bridge), just when you reach the other side you get of the highway at exit: ’42-Farø’ and onto road: ‘287’ toward Møn/Bogø. Continue 12 km and then take a right on Fanefjordsgade and continue 1 km and then take another right on Fanefjord Kirkevej – Continue for 500 m and take a left on Vollerupgade – after 60 m you will see Møn Retreat                  By car – from Copenhagen/Sweden Drive south on E47/E55 toward Rødby and take exit ’42’ toward Møn/Bogø. Continue 12 km and then take a right on Fanefjordsgade and continue 1 km and then take another right on Fanefjord Kirkevej – Continue for 500 m and take a left on Vollerupgade – after 60 m you will see Møn Retreat


Luogo dell'evento

Vollerupgade 2A, 4792 Askeby


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