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Masterclass with Sound Designer Randy Thom

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Masterclass with Sound Designer Randy Thom

Da DKK 1,600,00



Mag 25 2024 09:30 - Mag 26 2024 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Dive into the magic of sound with this weekend masterclass led by Hollywood's legendary sound designer, Randy Thom. Experience 40 years of film history and sonic masterpieces through four key themes in Thom's outstanding career.

Throughout the weekend, the sound design Icon, Randy Thom, opens the doors to his incredible career, sharing his expertise on the big screen. Moderated by the experienced Danish sound designer, Peter Albrechtsen, the masterclass will cover four main themes, structuring the two days of cinematic magic.

The early years - From 'Apocalypse Now' to 'Wild at Heart'

Embark on a journey through Randy's early years, exploring his work as a sound editor, mixer and production sound recordist. Uncover the unique northern Californian sonic magic, from epic works like 'Apocalypse Now' to the heartwarming 'Wild at Heart,' including the magnificent ‘Never Cry Wolf’ and 'The Right Stuff' which won Thom his first of two Oscars. He has been nominated 15 times.

Collaboration with Robert Zemeckis

Deeply rooted in the sonic partnership with director Robert Zemeckis, Thom will discuss the development of their 30-year collaboration. Explore films such as 'Forrest Gump,' 'Contact,' 'Cast Away,' and 'The Polar Express,' with the opportunity to dissect selected scenes and delve into the creation of their mesmerizing soundscapes.

Scriptwriting for the ears

This part of the masterclass focuses on the importance of scriptwriting and how to design a movie for sound. With examples from different scripts, along with scenes compared to their written form, Thom explores the approach to sound design based on film scripts.

Sound for animation

Randy Thom has left his mark on several brilliant animated films. Delve into masterpieces like 'The Incredibles,' the 'How to Train Your Dragon' trilogy, and the refreshing 'Ice Age' films. Clips from these works will be shown, discussing different working methods and creative approaches to sonic storytelling.


Luogo dell'evento

Den Danske Filmskole, Theodor Christensens Plads 1, 1437 København K


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