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Da DKK 110,00


Bliv medskaber af en erotisk kunstfilm, når du som deltagende publikum bliver voyeuristen i Det Ovale Rums performance-installation PEEP(show). Gå på opdagelse i små sensuelle universer skabt af helt almindelige mennesker og få et smugkig bag facaden.

Hver enkelt billet giver kun adgang til det angivne tidspunkt. 
Sørg for at være klar ved indgangen til Den Frie i god tid. 
Publikum har mulighed for at blive i PEEP(show) indtil udstillingens lukketid den pågældende dag. 
Minimumsalder: 18 år 
Sprog: Engelsk 

Nøgne eller afklædte kroppe i sensuel performance. 
Ingen fysisk kontakt. 
Det forventes at enhver, som indtræder i PEEP(show), forholder sig respektfuld og drager omsorg for performerne, for sig selv og det øvrige publikum. 

OBS! Der kan forekomme eksplicitte, seksuelle og særligt intime øjeblikke i løbet af performancen.

PEEP(show) er et forsøg på at skabe en platform, hvor offentligheden selv kan deltage i skildringen af sex og erotik, som et alternativ til den etablerede pornoindustris ensporede fremstillinger. I kernen af værket ligger et ønske om at aftabuisere det perverse og fejre det amourøse, ved at bringe erotikken ind i et kollektivt, engagerende og offentligt rum.

PEEP(show) er støttet af:

Det Obelske Familiefond
Statens Kunstfond
KODA Dramatik 


Become the co-creator of an erotic film when you - as an active member of the audience - transforms into the voyeur in Det Ovale Rums performance installation PEEP(show). Explore sensual and individual universes fabricated by everyday people and get a glimpse of what goes on behind the lens.

Each ticket only provides access to the installation for that specific time. 
Be ready at the main entrance at Den Frie Center of Contemporary Art at least five minutes prior to your scheduled time. 
The audience has the opportunity to stay in PEEP(show) until the closing time of the day. 
Minimum age: 18
Language: English 

Prepare for
Naked and undressed bodies engaging in a sensual performance. 
No physical contact is allowed. 
Show care as a member of the audience - being mindful and respectful towards the performers, towards yourself and towards the rest of the audience. 

DISCLAIMER! Sexually explicit performances may occur during the installation.

PEEP(show) is an attempt to create an experimental platform, where the public themselves can partake in the depiction and perception of sex and erotica. Det Ovale Rum created this space as an alternative to the established versions of the erotic, as presented by the porn industry. At its core PEEP(show) is a dream about abolishing the taboos relating to the perverse and to celebrate the amorous by inviting the erotic into the collective, engaging and public space. 

Luogo dell'evento

Oslo Pl. 1, 2100 København


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