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Populære klaverkvartetter af Mozart og Brahms

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Populære klaverkvartetter af Mozart og Brahms

Da DKK 110,00



Sett 04 2022 12:00 - 13:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Ensemble MidtVest består af nogle af landets fremmeste klassiske musikere og kan i år fejre 20-års jubilæum. Pianist Martin Qvist Hansen og strygere Alexander Won-Ho Kim, Sanna Ripatti og Jonathan Slaatto præsenterer til dagens koncert to klaverkvartetter af henholdsvis Mozart og Brahms. Mozarts er elegant og flydende med lyriske temaer, som udvikler sig på smukkeste vis. Klaverkvartetten af Brahms er overvældende i  sit musikalske udtryk, og slutter med en rustik rondo “alla Zingarese” i en brusende tour-de-force af rytme og melodi.

W.A. Mozart (1756-1791). Klaverkvartet i Es-dur, K. 493 (1786)

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897). Klaverkvartet i g-mol, op. 25 (1856-1861)
Rondo: Presto

Ensemble MidtVest
Alexander Won-Ho Kim – violin
Sanna Ripatti – viola
Jonathan Slaatto – cello
Martin Qvist Hansen – klaver

Billetten inkluderer entré til museet hele dagen. Benyt chancen til at opleve Glyptoteket inden eller efter koncerten. Du kan også nyde en frokost i Picnic. Husk at bestille bord her.

Voksne: 180 kr.
Under 27 år/studerende: 140 kr.
Årskortholder: 140 kr.
Under 18 år: 110 kr.

Billet giver adgang til hele Glyptoteket på dagen.
Billetter refunderes ikke, men må gerne gives videre. Billetter kan ikke byttes til en anden koncert.

Køb dit årskort her og få fri entré til Glyptotekets udstillinger, rabat på arrangementer og andre fordele.


Comprising some of the most outstanding classical musicians in Denmark, Ensemble MidtVest are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year. In today’s concert, the pianist Martin Qvist Hansen and the string players Alexander Won-Ho Kim, Sanna Ripatti and Jonathan Slaatto play two piano quartets – by Mozart and Brahms. The Mozart quartet is elegant and fluid, featuring themes that evolve beautifully. The Brahms piano quartet is overwhelming in its musical expression, ending with a rustic Rondo alla zingarese in an effervescent tour de force of rhythm and melody.

W.A. Mozart (1756-1791). Piano Quartet in E-flat major, K. 493 (1786)

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897). Piano Quartet in G minor, Op. 25 (1856-1861)
Rondo alla zingarese. Presto

Ensemble MidtVest
Alexander Won-Ho Kim – violin
Sanna Ripatti – viola
Jonathan Slaatto – cello
Martin Qvist Hansen – piano

The ticket includes admission to the museum throughout the day. Take the opportunity to explore the Glyptotek either before or after the concert. You can also enjoy lunch in Picnic. Remember to book a table here.

Adults: DKK 180
Under 27/Students: DKK 140
Season ticket holders: DKK 140
Under 18: DKK 110

You can buy tickets here.
The ticket gives you admission to the whole of the Glyptotek on the day.
Tickets are non-refundable, but may be passed on. Tickets can not be exchanged for another koncert.

Buy your season ticket here and enjoy free admission to the Glyptotek’s exhibitions, discount on events and other benefits.


Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek is an art museum of international stature in the centre of Copenhagen. The Glyptotek houses over 10,000 works of art, from the Mediterranean cradle of Western culture to the Danish and French art from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Luogo dell'evento

Glyptoteket Glyptoteket, Dantes Plads 7, 1556 København V


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