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Prode x Nye Spilleregler x Shoot 2020

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Prode x Nye Spilleregler x Shoot 2020

De DKK 70.00



Mar 06 2020 18:00 - 20:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserve com confiança: a Billetto assegura o reembolso de eventos cancelados, garantindo a sua tranquilidade. Saber mais


Vi bringer her en finurlig dokumentar fra Argentina om en kamp i den farverige argentinske liga i 1984, hvor en spillertrup har brugt bødekassen på en tipskupon og kan vinde millioner! Forestillengen vil først byde på en visning af værket Nye Spilleregler med en forudgående samtale med kunstneren Mogens Jacobsen og herefter vises Prode.

PRODE (Argentina/2019/63 min)


Spillerne fra den argentinske klub Racing de Córdoba bruger pengene fra bødekassen på at spille Prode – den argentinske pendant til vores tipskupon. Den 6. Maj 1984 mangler holdet kun én kamp for at vinde den store jackpot på to millioner dollars – nemlig deres egen kamp mod Ferro. En medrivende film om en kamp, hvor der lige pludselig er rigtig meget på spil for de dårlig betalte Racing-spillere.

Instruktør: Mauro Beccaria
Producent: Ideas por Rosca

It is Sunday, May 6, 1984. Racing de Córdoba reaches the sixth date of the First Division tournament near the leaders. That day, he receives the powerful team of Ferro, the Buenos Aires club that is one of the powers in the eighties.

The Prode, the lottery of sports forecasts that eclipsed the Argentines for more than two decades, has for that sixth date a well accumulated of two million dollars, a fortune for that moment of Argentina, for that football so far from the industry of the marketing we know today.

In the previous week, millions of people place their bets in search of the 13 hits. The members of the Racing de Córdoba squad don't want to miss the opportunity to take the pot and play a ballot. They discuss each result, except the one that has them as protagonists: there they do not doubt and become winners.

The most important game of each date is played at different times and is broadcast live on television. The rest of the matches are played before. On this occasion, the last match is the one played by Racing and Ferro.

Hours before the game, Roberto Gasparini, captain and star of the team, jumps out of his bed when he confirms that the Racing ticket has 12 hits. They only have to win their game to win the Prode.

Director: Mauro Beccaria
Home Producer: Ideas por Rosca


Værket Nye Spilleregler er en installation med tre videoer. Installationen bruger kunstig intelligens til spilleregler for et nyt spil. Den kunstige intelligens er trænet på DBU’s ”Fodboldloven 2018/2019” og FN’s ”Verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling”.

Kunstner: Mogens Jacobsen

Nye Spilleregler (New Rules) is an art installation of three videos. The installation uses artificial intelligence to create a new game. The artificial intelligence is trained on The Danish Football Association's "Football Act 2018/2019" and the UN's "Sustainable Development Goals".

Artist: Mogens Jacobsen


Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København


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