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Social Nude Drawing & Cocktails Event. Bodies Art Beautiful!

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Social Nude Drawing & Cocktails Event. Bodies Art Beautiful!

Da DKK 189,00



Giu 28 2018 19:00 - 21:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Bodies Art Beautiful. Social Nøgen Tegning og Cocktails Event!


Kom og vær med til ARTnSIPS PREMIERE aften på NØGENTEGNING. Ingen erfaring nødvendig!

Aldrig prøvet at tegne en nøgen model før (også kendt som croquis)? Så er det DIN chance for at udforske din kreativitet, mens du nyder din favorit drink og få en fed oplevelse!

Vores nøgne mandlige \ kvindelige croquis-modeller vil indtage skiftende positurer, mens vores professionelle kunstner guider dig på en 1,5-2 timers kunstnerisk rejse ind i den smukke krop.

Tegn din EGEN fortolkning af den NØGNE KROP! All Bodies Are (ART) Beautiful! <3

Arrangementet er for ALLE. Ingen erfaring eller baggrund er nødvendig. Kom og prøv noget nyt og sjovt! Sip din yndlings drink. Skab din egen KUNST.

Din første velkomstcocktail er GRATIS!


Vi glæder os til en SJOV aften i byen sammen med jer!


•2 timers social croquis/nøgentegning-event med live mandlige \ kvindelige modeller.

•Vejledning af en professionel kunstner, som vil dele sjove instruktioner, som alle kan følge.

•Al nødvendig materiale til hvér deltager. Dette inkluderer skitsepapir, tegnebræt og blyanter/stifter.

•Din første cocktail er GRATIS!

•En unik SJOV aften i byen!


Croquis (kro'ki eller kroki) er en hurtigt tegnet skitse af en levende nøgenmodel. Croquis tegninger fremstilles som regel på et par minutter, hvorefter modellen skifter positur, og en anden croquis skitseres.



Come join ARTnSIPS for a PREMIER evening of NUDE DRAWING. No experience needed!

Never tried drawing of nude models before (also known as Croquis)? Then this is YOUR chance to explore your creativity while you SIP on your favorite drink and have a fun time!

Our nude male \ female models will pose as our professional artist leads you for 1.5-2 hours on an artistic journey of the body beautiful.

Draw your OWN interpretations of the NUDE BODY! All Bodies Are (ART) Beautiful! <3

The event is for EVERYONE and no experience or background is needed! Sip on your favorite drink. Create your own art.

Your first cocktail is FREE!


We look forward to a FUN night out with you!

See you there


•2-hour Social Croquis/ Nude Drawing event with live nude male \ female models.

•Professional artist who will provide fun instructions and guidance for everyone to follow.

•All the art material for each guest including sketch paper, drawing boards, and pencils.

•Your first cocktail is FREE!

•A one of a kind FUN night out!


Croquis drawing is quick and sketchy drawing of a live model. Croquis drawings are usually made in a few minutes, after which the model changes pose and another Croquis is drawn.


Get tickets for ARTNSIPS Events! ARTNSIPS invites you to explore your artistic side and create FUN ART while you sip on your favorite drink and have a laugh with old and new friends! Join us for a new night out! No experience needed!

Luogo dell'evento

The Reception The Reception, Dannebrogsgade 8, 1660 København


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