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Strangers On A Train - cabaret/sømandsviser/polka/vaudeville/tango/klezmer

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Strangers On A Train - cabaret/sømandsviser/polka/vaudeville/tango/klezmer

De DKK 100,00



Abr 18 2020 21:00 - 23:30


Strangers on a Train er et københavnsk baseret ensemble med nogle år på bagen, som i efteråret 2018 udgav deres anden LP, The End is Nigh but the Night is Young på Celebration Records. Strangers on a Trains musik trækker på inspirationer fra både sømandsviser, tysk og fransk cabaret, amerikansk vaudeville, centraleuropæisk folk og argentinsk tango; alligevel er udtrykket særdeles originalt. Bandet tager i øvrigt navn fra Alfred Hitchcock-filmen af samme navn fra 1951. Den nye plade, som er overvejende akustisk, blev indspillet i Heyman Studios med Christian Heyman bag pulten, ud fra ønsket om en lave en så autentisk og first take-orienteret plade som muligt.

Sanger og tekstforfatter Frederik Juul Rasmussens karakteristiske, rustne stemme er central i bandets musikalske udtryk, og tematisk kredser Rasmussens filmisk inspirerede lyrik om kærlighed til nattelivet, undergangen, livet (og døden) på værtshuset og bordellet, randeksistenserne, smøgerne og spiritussen. Her er tale om dekadent, lyrisk neo-noir for fuld skrue.

Rasmussens whiskystemme akkompagneres i Strangers on a Train af Jens Gunni Busck, harmonika, banjo; Mikael Jørgensen, kontrabas; Ask Jensen, akustisk guitar, klaver og mandolin og Sune Stender, trommer samt Alfkil Wennermark, violin. 

En lytter på bandets musik kan du få her: Strangers on a Trains Facebook-side: (5/5) af The End is Nigh but the Night is Young (2018) i RockZeit: af The End is Nigh but the Night is Young (2018) hos SoundKartell (på tysk): (4/5) af The End is Nigh but the Night is Young (2018) i GFRock: 


Strangers on a Train is a Copenhagen-based ensemble that has been around for a few years. The band released their second album The End is Nigh but the Night is Young in the autumn of 2018 on Celebration Records. The band’s music draws inspiration from old sea shanties, German and French cabaret, American vaudeville, Central European folk music and Argentine tango; all contributing to the band’s original sound. 

The rusty, whisky-drenched voice of singer and writer Frederik Juul Rasmussen is at the front of the band’s musical expression, and thematically, Rasmussen’s lyricism draws on themes such as the dark side of a city’s nightlife, life (and death) in the bar and the brothel and odd existences, cigarettes and liqueur. The band’s music is full-blown, decadent, lyrical neo-noir.  

The voice of Rasmussen is accompanied by Jens Gunni Busck, accordion and banjo; Mikael Jørgensen, upright bass; Ask Jensen, guitar, piano and mandolin; Sune Stender, drums.  The line-up can be augmented with the addition of Alfkil Wennermark, violin. 

Listen to the music right here: the Strangers on a Train Facebook page: (5/5) of the album The End is Nigh but the Night is Young (2018) in RockZeit (in Danish): of the album The End is Nigh but the Night is Young (2018) by SoundKartell (in German): (4/5) of the album The End is Nigh but the Night is Young (2018) by GF Rock (in Danish):


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