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The Foreigner's Journey

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Afholdt event

The Foreigner's Journey

Fra DKK 249,00



26 maj 2024 kl. 14:30 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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A guided group experience for expats in Denmark wanting to feel a renewed sense of connection and belonging.

What to expect:

A participatory experience in which we'll talk about the different phases we all go through as foreigners, while visiting the different rooms of the beautiful Villa Kultur in the heart of Østerbro. In every room, there will be a different activity ready for you, themed around the expat life.

We'll be guiding you into conversations and curious exercises, taking you through a carefully curated personal and collective journey. For example, you might get inspired by a story told in dim candlelight, pin a place on a map, or write a love note - all within a theatrical and fun storytelling frame.


14:10 Doors open & Check-in

14:30 Boarding, Crew's instructions & Take-off: The Journey Begins

14:40 - 15:20 Exploring the Light: Growing in a new culture

15:25 - 16:10 Exploring the Dark: The confused identity

16:15 - 16:40 The Celebration: The joys of the foreigner's life

16:45 - 17:00 Landing: End of Journey & Group Farewell


"Being a foreigner is easy" - said no one ever!

It's easy to still feel like an outsider even after living in a place for many years.

It's easy to feel lost and confused about an ever-shifting identity.

It's easy to feel disconnected from others who don't quite get you.

It's easy to feel disenchanted after the initial magic of moving to a new place has faded.

If you are a foreigner living in Denmark for a few years, who feels like you don't belong to your country of origin anymore, yet you don't fully fit in the new culture either, this event is for you!

We invite you to The Foreigner's Journey: an immersive experience exploring the expat life in Denmark!

Through theatrical means, play and guided conversations, you'll be discovering the similarities and differences in your journeys as expats in Denmark. And you'll explore how to navigate your identity in a place that's not quite where you're from, but not entirely foreign either.

Here, you will not be a passive audience member, but an active participant co-creating this experience together with fellow expats.

We will guide you through moments of joy and sorrow, light and darkness, nostalgia and serendipity, as we walk together through the phases of the foreigner's path.

The Foreigner's Journey will help you reframe what it means to live the foreigner's life, rediscovering the joys of not being tied to any particular culture. By the end of the journey, you will feel a renewed sense of enchantment in your unique position as a 'being in between worlds'.

Who is this for:

Expats who have lived in Denmark for a few years and don't feel completely integrated here.

Who is it NOT for:

Those who have recently moved here or Those who are planning to stay here only for a few months.


We will hold the event twice. You can choose the day that suits you best.

First session will be held on Sunday, May 26, 14:30 - 17:00.

Second session will be on Sunday, June 2, 14:30 - 17:00.

Note: We will hold the same event on both days.

About the venue:

A beautiful old mansion in the heart of Østerbro, Villa Kultur is the home for creatives rethinking the way culture is developed.

About the organisers:

We are two seasoned foreigners who walked the highs and lows of this path for a long time:

Monica Matei - Experience Designer reimagining the ways in which we bring people together, creating moments of connection, meaning and long-lasting memories. Living the foreigner's life for 17 years and counting.

Adelė Šalkauskaitė - Immersive Producer with an education in theater and performance studies helping artists and creatives turn their ideas into tangible and sustainable projects. Living the foreigner's life for 9 years and counting.

Together, they are Ceremonica - an experience design studio focused on crafting meaningful gatherings, turning ordinary occasions into extraordinary experiences. Read more at https://ceremonica.dk/ .


We will be taking photos at the event, which will be used on social media to promote future events and displayed on the photographer's portfolio. Buying a ticket means that you agree to us using the photos for these purposes. If you don't agree, please come and let us know on the day and we'll avoid having you in the photos.

We look forward to walking the foreigner's journey together with you!


Who can participate in this event?

This event is for expats in Denmark who feel a sense of being caught in between worlds and cultures, not belonging here nor there. If you are perfectly integrated in Denmark and do not find belonging or identity to be an issue for you, then this event would not be relevant for you.

Can I participate if I am native to Denmark?

Unfortunately not. This event is for those who consider themselves expats or foreigners in Denmark, so the content of this event will not resonate with you or apply to your case. We will consider this for future events.

Can I participate if I live in Sweden?

Unfortunately not. We will be connecting about our experiences as expats in Denmark, so you might not find the content relevant to your case.

Are there any discounts?

Not at this point. However, if there are some tickets left the day before the event, we might be able to offer this. Please email us at monica@ceremonica.dk to be registered on our waitlist.


Experience Designer reimagining the ways in which we bring people together, creating moments of connection, meaning and long-lasting memories. Founder of Ceremonica.dk.


Villa Kultur, Krausesvej 3, 2100 København


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