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Ukrainian science-fiction author Max Kidruk: On tour in Copenhagen

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Ukrainian science-fiction author Max Kidruk: On tour in Copenhagen

Fra Gratis



21 maj 2024 kl. 17:00 - 19:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Join us at Ukraine House in Denmark on May 21 for a special event featuring the renowned Ukrainian writer, publisher, and science popularizer, Max Kidruk, in Copenhagen. Max will introduce the inaugural book of his science fiction series "New Dark Ages," titled "Colony."

Location: Gammel Dok, Strandgade 27B, 1401 København
Time: 17:00

During the session, Max Kidruk will delve into the "foundation" of history, discussing the political and climatic shifts on Earth at the dawn of the 22nd century, alongside notable scientific and technological advancements, the evolution of medicine, and the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The discussion will also cover the colonization of Mars and the social upheavals impacting the Martian colonies, home to over a hundred thousand inhabitants.

Furthermore, Max will showcase book from the Bearded Tamarin publishing house, sharing insights on establishing a publishing venture in Ukraine amidst a full-scale invasion and the challenges of producing captivating sci-fi literature. Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase books, receive autographs, and take photos with the author.

The event will be conducted in Ukrainian with English translation available.

This gathering serves as a charity event, with all proceeds from ticket sales, merchandise, and book sales being donated to our partners at the "Library Country" charitable foundation.

About Bearded Tamarin: Founded in November 2022 by Max Kidruk and translator Tetyana Kidruk, Bearded Tamarin is a publisher specializing in nonfiction and science fiction literature.


The Ukraine House in Denmark is a home away from home for Ukrainians in Denmark and a focal point for Danes who are learning about Ukraine as a country with rich European heritage and culture. We strive to create a lasting positive impact of Ukraine on the Ukrainian-Danish collaboration, security, and lasting peace in Europe. We promote Ukraine’s heritage, contemporary culture, innovative creative entrepreneurship, and initiate opportunities to strengthen Ukraine’s collaboration with Denmark and other Nordic countries. 


Ukraine House in Denmark, Strandgade 27B, 1401 København


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