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Vinterjazz: Allysha Joy (solo) [AU] + Support: Kiosk

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Vinterjazz: Allysha Joy (solo) [AU] + Support: Kiosk

Da DKK 135,00



Feb 24 2024 20:00 - Feb 25 2024 02:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Kom med til en groovy og jazzet blanding af soul, hip hop og r'n'b når Australske Allysha Joy optræder i en solo setting på Stengade. Bandet Kiosk kommer til med at skyde aftenen i gang med en omgang audiopoesi fuld af ærlighed, kærlighed og musikalsk legesyge.

Koncerten er en del af Vinterjazz Festival.

Allysha Joy:
Well versed in poetry and performance, Allysha Joy’s potent lyricism, unique musicianship & killer vocals have garnered legions of attentive fans the world over. She’s an integral member of the Melbourne soul jazz scene, known as part of the acclaimed 30/70 Collective & for her own equally revered solo work.

Her latest release,‘Light It Again’ is a four-part expedition across a variety of grooves and deep lyricism that marks a defiant statement of intimacy and hope. Produced and engineered by twice Grammy nominated artist Clever Austin (Hiatus Kaiyote), the EP features accompaniment from an all-star line up of Melbourne artists; Horatio Luna, Ziggy Zeitgeist, Danika Smith and Josh Kelly. This EP marks a new sound for the young artist, transmitting her honest and raw expression through the signature crunch and sonic landscape of Clever Austin.

Allysha is already well established across Australia and Europe, performing on the live circuit alongside the likes of Sampa the Great, Matthew Halsall, Ezra Collective, Bradley Zero and Children of Zeus, as well as hosting a monthly show on Gilles Petersons’ Worldwide FM Radio.

As a producer and prolific feature artist Allysha appears on releases from Rhythm Section, Total Refreshment Centre, Future Classic and now an EP for First Word, ‘Light It Again’. Her 2018 debut album ‘Acadie : Raw’ on Gondwana Records won ‘Best Soul Album’ at the Music Victoria Awards, was nominated for ‘Best Jazz Album’ at the Worldwide Awards, and featured in many end-of-year lists, including Bandcamp’s Top Soul Albums.

Allysha’s lyrics weave together a heartfelt mix of love, power, wonder, anger, faith and hope for change. An artist that presents a palette of intricate grace and optimism, whilst unafraid of adding uncomfortable truths. Allysha is an incredibly powerful live performer; her husky vocals sonically synced with her formidable Fender Rhodes playing, whilst her influences are a solid base of jazz, hip hop and R&B; all glazed with the unique special sauce the Melbourne soul scene has become known for globally.

A gloriously meditative, raw soul, we are delighted to be able to share her music with you.

+ Support: Kiosk
Bandet Kiosk inviterer dig inden for i deres poetiske og musikalske univers. Med vid og kant funderer bandet over livets meget store og meget små spørgsmål og tilbyder et stemningsfuldt refleksionsrum, hvor poesi og musik smelter fuldstændig sammen - senest på albummet "Drift" fra 2023.
Entry: 135 kr in pre-sale / 150 kr at the door! 


Spillestedet Stengade is a progressive user-driven music venue in the middle of Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The music profile at Spillestedet Stengade is diverse - often based on the local underground but also with a large number of international artists.

The house's many dedicated volunteers are the absolute lifeblood of Stengade, who run our approx. 200 concert events per year. Without them there wouldn't be any shows!


Luogo dell'evento

Spillestedet Stengade, Stengade 18, 2200 København


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