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Ago 28 2022 19:00 - 23:59


VOICINGERS ON TOUR jazz festival 26-28/08 invites everyone who enjoys jazz music, improvisation and cultural life to the series of daily music nights!

VOICINGERS On Tour Denmark ~ DAY 3


19:00 Karna's Formula

"Groovy, energetic, and at times abstract with a hefty dose of improvisation."

Initiator of the traveling festival Voicingers on Tour, the Polish vocalist Grzegorz Karnas is an unusual bird. His unique voice and singular intonations are marked by his passion for language and culture. His approach to the stage and his uncompromising improvisations make him a very special entity on the international jazz scene. Halfway between storytelling, performance and avant-garde jazz. His art is a rare, unstable, and precious metal, accompanied by an exceptional Danish-Polish trio:

Mariusz Praśniewski - bass

Mads Nørgaard - guitar

Grzegorz Masłowski - drums



20:30 Final concert with students:

Participants accompanied by the educators perform as the culmination of the Voicingers workshops. The vocalists have the opportunity to embrace the energy wave of the audience, and to experience the support of a professional rhythm section in such unusual circumstances.

András Dés - percussions

Alan Wykpisz - bass

Grzegorz Masłowski - drums

Mateusz Kołakowski - piano

Daniel Sommer - drums

Benjamin Nørholm Jacobsen - piano

Mads Nørgaard - guitar

Entry for the whole evening: DKK 60


The project was created in cooperation with the support of: Frederiksberg Municipality, Frederiksberg Foundation, Statens Kunstfond, START! FRB, KontraPunkt association and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Copenhagen.


The Voicingers Festival - Intercultural Gathering for Music, Creativity, and Expression, which has been taking place for over a decade - throughout its 13-year history, grew up from a jazz competition into an active organizer of cultural and educational activities in European and Asian countries, under the name Voicingers On Tour.

It has been so far a place of interaction for hundreds of workshop participants and over 250 musicians from all inhabited continents, who were able to introduce each other to a variety of talents, ideas, ways of thinking, and problem-solving.

Voicingers on Tour in Denmark will take place in Huset-KBH, Copenhagen and Musikhøjskolen, Frederiksberg on 26-28th of August.

The Festival will consist of Workshops, Concerts and Live Music Nights.

Luogo dell'evento

Musikhøjskolen Musikhøjskolen, Smallegade 12, 2000 Frederiksberg


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