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We're thrilled to announce Realities, a knowledge-sharing platform by CopenX Realities founder Therkel Sand Therkelse. We kick it off with a series of sessions featuring CopenX Realities speakers from 2016 to 2021. This is a unique opportunity to reflect on how their perspectives have evolved.

We'll revisit the pivotal questions of the past: How did they envision XR and AI reshaping society, business, and culture? What predictions materialized, and which didn’t? However, our lens will not be retrospective.

We’ll engage in a foresight-driven dialogue, projecting into the future based on lessons from the past and present. In a time when immersive technologies like XR and AI, are evolving at an unprecedented pace, our commitment to being a platform for enlightenment, exploration, and community discussions, is more vital than ever.

Realities - XR and AI knowledge-sharing activities. 

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