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3D Printing & Supply Chains: Benefits & Business Opportunities (workshop)

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3D Printing & Supply Chains: Benefits & Business Opportunities (workshop)

Von 937,50 DKK



22. Juni 2017, 13:00 Uhr - 16:00



This is an interactive workshop about the benefits and business opportunities posed by 3D printing adoption in the area of supply chain management. Our experts will share their insights based on years of experience in the industry and academia with lectures based on case studies, exercises and open discussions.


3D printing is a fast growing technology and it will have a significant impact on the world economics. Within the next five years, supply chains will undergo a massive change thanks to the adoption of 3D printing and decentralized production. The majority of industries will be affected, from manufacturers to wholesalers. Join the workshop to understand how this technology will affect your business.


The workshop is mainly directed to business owners and managers. However anyone with an interest is welcome to attend. There are no requirements to prior knowledge to the topic.


By the end of the workshop you will be able to:

  • Summarize the latest trends of 3D printing and additive manufacturing technology
  • Recognize trends within emerging business models and adopt an appropriate strategy
  • Select the right tools in order to get started towards 3D printing adoption and integration in your current business
  • Make better and faster decisions regarding the use of 3D printing throughout the whole development process

Price: DKK 750 (ex. VAT)

The workshop will be in English. Both facilitators do speak Danish.

There is a minimum number of 6 participants. In case of cancellation, you will receive a written notification and a full refund.

Any Qustions, please contact: Ingeborg Rosenvinge, TwentySeven info@twentyseven.ai; tlf: 4042 8533


TwentySeven democratize 3D printing - by facilitating training sessions, workshops and doing consultancy work. As experts in the fiels, we share our knowledge to help companies benefit from the fastest growing manufacturing technology in the world.


Thürmer Tools, Hammerholmen 18, 1, 2650 Hvidovre


Greta D'Angelo
Ph.D. Additive Manufacturing
Ingeborg Rosenvinge
Innovation Strategist


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