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Aïsha Devi (CH) + bod [包家巷] (US) + Age Coin at ALICE - udsolgt

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Aïsha Devi (CH) + bod [包家巷] (US) + Age Coin at ALICE - udsolgt

De DKK 108.00



Fev 08 2019 21:00 - 23:59


Døre kl 20 / koncerter fra kl 21

Stærk aften med tre elektroniske navne, der spænder fra audiovisuelle udskejelser og komplekse post-rave-kompositioner til rastløs industrial techno. Koncerterne præsenteres i samarbejde med Proton.

Aïsha Devi (CH)

Den schweizisk-tibetanske eksperimenterende producer Aïsha Devi behandler det 21ende århundredes dystre temaer gennem komplekse post-rave-kompositioner. På sit seneste udspil “DNA Feelings” (Houndstooth, 2018), kanaliserer hun emner som teknologi, historie og spiritualitet ud i en 40 minutters Odyssé af brusende synth-flader, sarte strygere og sin distinkte havfrue-agtige vokal. Devi debuterede med “Aura 4 Everyone” i 2013 og hendes udgivelser og trancedannende audiovisuelle liveshows har siden bragt hende til bl.a. CTM, Mutek, Unsound, Boiler Room og en lang række andre festivaler.

Sagt om Aïsha Devi:

"Swirling rhythms and hypnotic, droning melodies. A producer riding the outer-most fringes of music into new and exciting territories" - Complex UK

bod [包家巷] (US)

bod [包家巷], aka Nicholas Zhu, er en Berlin-baseret amerikansk audiovisuelle kunstner. I sit projekt skaber han hypnotiske, ambiente elektroniske forløb og trækker veksler på bl.a. melankolsk chanson og sci-fi filmsoundtracks. Sammen med bl.a. Nozomu Matsumoto og Quantum Natives, er bod [包家巷] del af en ny bølge af kunstnere og labels der i særdeleshed behandler tidens virtuelle parallelverden i deres værker. bod [包家巷] er aktuel med “The Recurrence of Infections” (Danse Noire, 2018). Med sig har bod [包家巷] VJ Tea Strazicic aka FluffLord, der bl.a. har projiceret sine særegne fantasy-hybrider for VICEAQNB og senest Supynes Festival.

Age Coin:

Age Coin består af Simon Formann (Yen Towers, Khalil) og Kristian Emdal (Marching Church). Den rutinerede københavnske duo har siden 2012 fastholdt et aldrig stillestående og unikt take på industriel techno, og sideløbende spillet sammen i det nu hedengangne Lower. Age Coin er aktuel med deres syvende udspil “She Who Sold Me Told Me” (Posh Isolation, 2018).

In English

Aïsha Devi (CH)

No one on this planet sounds like Aïsha Devi. Her voice is her most powerful tool in a repertoire that includes thumping beats and rave stabs, seraphic and guttural throat singing, mystical linguistics and corporeal sonics. Her music is spiritual and her VA live shows are transcendent experiences. She is a rebel and a radical alchemist who is breaking down barriers and traversing dimensions with her art. Aïsha Devi is soon ready with the album “DNA Feelings” (Houndstooth, 2018).

bod [包家巷] (US)

bod [包家巷] is an audiovisual artist from Tucson and based in Berlin who has released on Quantum Natives, Knives, and most recently Danse Noire. Their work can be generalized to be theoretics on the technological and psychological, while individual units of releases and performance move deeper into the ever dissolving boundary between art and the rest of life.

Age Coin

Consisting of Simon Formann (Yen Towers, Khalil and former Lower) and Kristian Emdal (Marching Church and former Lower), Age Coin is an industrial / post-techno duo out of Copenhagen. Their seventh release “She Who Sold Me Told Me” (2018) is out on Posh Isolation.


Opened on the 1st of February 2018, ALICE is Copenhagen’s powerhouse for adventurous music. ALICE is presenting a bold and high quality program of global roots, jazz/improv, electronic music, sonic experiments and much more, shedding light on musical roots and legendary artists as well as exciting new breakthroughs from all over the world.


Alice Alice, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København


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