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Architecture Highlights in Ørestad

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Architecture Highlights in Ørestad

Ab 260,00 DKK


Billetto Peace of Mind
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During this 2,5-hour guided tour we will be walking and also use the Metro. You will see and hear about local, architectural icons such as the Tietgen Residence Hall, the DR Concert Hall, the VM Houses, the Mountain and the 8House.

Ørestad stands out as a new district in Copenhagen for sustainable, innovative and green development with a strong focus on climate adaptation. Today, the district can showcase cutting-edge recycling architecture, where the green transformation in the construction industry dictates new ways of building and completely new styles that develop due to the requirements of sustainable green conversion and upcycling.

Large companies are building their head offices in Ørestad, which has an international outlook. The companies are already entering the history of the smart, sustainable, green and innovative district by locating in Ørestad and are committed to contributing to that development in their new buildings.

At the same time, Ørestad is still a new district in the Danish capital, where life between the houses is lived through a special pioneering spirit, a common creative urge, where local associations and green communities thrive.

The tour program will introduce you to the distinctive and latest architecture - from smart home solutions, recycled architecture to companies that almost compete in creating the most sustainable buildings. You will also hear about what it is like to live in this new part of the city.


Copenhagen has been chosen as the Capital of Architecture in 2023 by UNESCO. We celebrate this by offering a series of city walks and experiences in Ørestad.


Islands Brygge Station Islands Brygge Station, Njalsgade 70, 2300 København


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