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Blacks' Myths (US) + Kool Music (UK) at ALICE på Stairway

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Blacks' Myths (US) + Kool Music (UK) at ALICE på Stairway

De DKK 130,00



Mar 16 2023 19:00 - 23:00


Døre 19 / Koncert 20
Bemærk: Koncerten foregår i ALICE på Stairway i Vanløse.

Kaskader af punket støj, vilde frijazz-eksplosioner og mytiske besværgelser imod verdensordenen. Forbered dig på en intens aften med Washington D.C.-duoen Blacks’ Myths, der tæller medlemmer fra Irreversible Entanglements.

Washington D.C.-duoen Blacks’ Myths trækker tråde til både freejazz, punk og poesi. Ud fra et råt fundament af bas og trommer skaber de improvisatorisk vildskab og nye soniske fiktioner. Altopslugende og altimploderende kraftudladninger afløses af hypnotiske forløb og mørkt rumlende soundscapes.

Bag projektet står to musikere med rødder i Washington D.C.’s jazzscene: Multiinstrumentalisten Luke Stewart på bas og elektronik, og Warren G. "Trae" Crudup III på trommer. Stewart er en prominent skikkelse inden for improvisationsmusik som både koncertarrangør og musiker, og spiller bl.a. i den afrofuturistiske freejazz-trup Irreversible Entanglements. Crudrup har bl.a. spillet med Thomas Sayers Ellis, James Brandon Lewis og Brian Settles.

Navnet Blacks’ Myths refererer til amerikansk historieskrivning og duoens manifest om lade nye politiske mytologier vokse frem fra fortidens hukommelseshuller. Hver enkelt nummer rammer som et sonisk indgreb, som løsner USA’s historie i hængslerne. Med manende monologer af digteren og Black studies-professoren Dr. Thomas Stanley, som forholder sig kritisk og spekulativt til USA’s kollektive erindring, løftes musikkens kraftudladninger op i femte potens.

Gruppens seneste album “Blacks’ Myths II” er skabt i improvisationens ånd over en hårdkogt tredages maraton-session og havnede på årslisterne i medier som NPR, Pitchfork og Rolling Stone i 2019. Efter en corona-aflyst koncert på ALICE i 2020 ser vi frem til at blive blæst omkuld af duoens første koncert på dansk grund.

In English:

Cascading noise, highly explosive free jazz, and poetic ruminations against the world order: Washington D.C.’s hypnotic duo Blacks’ Myths are ready to take over ALICE at Stairway in Vanløse, featuring members from the likeminded free jazz ensemble Irreversible Entanglements.

Blacks’ Myths is a duo comprised of Luke Stewart on bass and Warren G. "Trae" Crudup III on drums. The group's latest, “Blacks' Myths II” collects thirteen tracks from a three day marathon recording session in the summer of 2019. The album was recorded live with no overdubs.

On Blacks’ Myths II, the group’s second release for Atlantic Rhythms, Stewart and Crudup build symbiotic rhythmic pieces, locking into something both hypnotic and free. Their collaboration is redefining the rhythm section by dismantling its tropes and injecting unpredictability, vibrancy, and freedom. The group's debut, Blacks' Myths (Atlantic Rhythms, 2018), established a space for ambience and eruption, building hypnotic rhythmic structures and exploratory soundscapes. Blacks' Myths II keeps that exploration alive with an expanding set of collaborators and further meditations on Sonic Blackness.

Blacks' Myths is a core duo of Luke Stewart and Warren Crudup III. Using electric bass guitar, electronics, and drums, the group chooses to build walls of sound in dynamic variation. Complex loops and ecstatic melodies outline the pieces, creating a compelling sonic story line. The deeper purpose however are in the intention of the Music, the messages delivered into the vibrations. The group is concerned with the idea of History, of Memory, of the power of creating a tuned state of being. For through the journey in sound lies the meditation on the history of blackness, the personal memory lens of an increasingly complex world full of alternate facts and rehashed stories. History thus becomes Mythology, in the ways in which we experience its weighty meanings in our lives. Through accessing the power of Sound, the story unfolds in physical frequencies that can re-tune the sub-conscious being otherwise known as the Spirit. The specific historical themes comes from lived experience, stories told.


Opened on the 1st of February 2018, ALICE is Copenhagen’s powerhouse for adventurous music. ALICE is presenting a bold and high quality program of global roots, jazz/improv, electronic music, sonic experiments and much more, shedding light on musical roots and legendary artists as well as exciting new breakthroughs from all over the world.


Stairway, Lindehøjen 12, 2720 København


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