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Nov 30 2017 08:00 - 09:30



Turning public needs into private investment opportunities?

This Morning is powered by the BLOXHUB Members: CSL – Copenhagen Solutions Lab and Danish Architecture Centre

Cities grapple with major challenges of allocating the needed funds towards climate adaption, transition to renewable energy, social challenges linked to urbanization.

Effective public-private partnerships in the form of Impact investment promise to catalyze additional private capital flows into public investments and stimulate private sector development, and even transferring economical risk from the public to the private sector. The concept of Impact Investment has gained enormous traction within the last 5 years based on the notion that societal needs and challenges can be addressed in more effective and scalable ways, through innovative and mixed finance, than it is achievable by the public sector alone.

At this event we ask if Impact Investment is yet another buzz word, or is it set to revolutionize the relationship and outcomes of public/private collaboration? And, how does impact investment fit into a Danish urban development context?


8:30 – 9:30 TALKS


Hans Uldall-Poulsen, Chief Economist at Nordic Development Corporation
Travor Graham, Dirctor at Urban Island
Martin A. Petersen, Partner and Co-founder at Green Tech Challenge
Liza Chong, Strategy & Program Director at INDEX: Design to Improve Life


‘BLOXHUB Mornings’ is an inspiring series of morning events focusing on innovation and growth within the field of architecture, construction, urban development and design.

Join our four events in fall 2017 and meet other professionals across disciplines.

Let’s connect, share and scale.

BLOXHUB Mornings are organized by BLOXHUB, Danish Architecture Centre, Copenhagen Solutions Lab, International Federation for Housing and Planning and Kraks Fond.



Event Room, Fæstningens Materialgård, Frederiksholms Kanal 30, 1220 København


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