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Bureau for Listening event IV: Spatial listening

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Bureau for Listening event IV: Spatial listening

De Gratuito



Abr 18 2024 17:00 - 20:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


Within a contemporary state of increasing polarization, environmental catastrophe, and for many either political fatigue or revolt, in what way does listening offer a meaningful artistic and critical practice; a pause from speaking up, taking space, defining, and describing? How does listening offer a space and practice for reflection and care?

On the last evening of each Testing Ground week, Bureau for Listening is happy to invite you to a Listening Event. The specific program for each event will be planned during the upleading week, and therefore unknown until arrival and participation in the event. We hope that you will trust us in this endeavor.

Each Listening Event is conceptualized as a gathering and sharing moment, centered around the listening theme/practice of the week, and as a chance to share findings, practices, knowledge, questions and wondering - a chance to celebrate and promote listening.

This week’s theme is spatial listening, the session will be guided by questions such as: how does one listen to place and space? How do places listen to us, and what stories do they tell us? What does it mean to position oneself (as a body) in a particular place?

During this Testing Ground process, the Bureau for Listening will also publish material and documentation here:


The event is free to attend, but it requires registration via Billetto.

Please note that the event is in English.


Bureau for Listening (2021-ongoing) is an artist and research group investigating and promoting listening as critical, empathic, and artistic practice. They work nomadic, transdisciplinary, and strive to engage others in shared practices and projects.

Bureau for Listening ask that listening is practiced as a transdisciplinary phenomenon. We understand listening as more than the hearing of audible signals as it supports a range of relevant processes and projects, including emotional and social recognition, community relations, establishing of attunement and discovery across human and more- than-human worlds, co-learning, and decolonial, eco- feminist initiatives. They consider listening as a creative inquiry and sensitivity; one that stimulates a caring and artistic being-with.


Art Hub er en faciliterende, eksperimenterende og netværksskabende kunstinstitution i København.

Vi tilbyder residencies for kunstnere, internationale udviklingsprogrammer, tværfaglige fællesskaber og offentlige events, som præsenterer og diskuterer kunstnerisk arbejde og forskning.

Art Hub er til for billedkunstnere, for forskere, for samarbejdspartnere og for alle, der er nysgerrige på samtidens kunst.


Art Hub Copenhagen, Halmtorvet 27, 1700 København


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