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Castle Course: Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan - The Path to Personal and Professional Success

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Castle Course: Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan - The Path to Personal and Professional Success

De DKK 23,999.00



Nov 18 2022 15:00 - Nov 20 2022 16:00


Join this life-changing 6 months mastermind course to kick off your new life; a life with greater direction, meaning, and joy. Leading a life with a new sense of direction increases your energy and provides more flow and ease in your daily doings. By practicing Conscious Life Leadership you live life more fully, thrive in your own company, and people enjoy being around you. As you feel inspired to get going every day, you are also much more productive and move towards goals at a pace you never thought was possible.

Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan starts on the 18th of November 2022 and ends on the 17th of May 2023 

We start out at Dallund Castle, where we spend an intensive learning weekend together from the 18-20th of November 2022.

Livsledelse Dallund Slot

Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan is a six months course that helps you to create positive changes in both your personal and professional life. In the end, you are only one person. The course is for you who are ready to manifest positive changes, take responsibility for your direction in life, and experience renewed inner peace, joy, and energy.

The course is a combination of teaching modules, practice sessions, private advice sessions - for maximizing your personal growth, transformation, and development, an online network group for continual support, and finally an online workshop. You will be guided to expand your awareness, which will change how you: 1) live and experience your own life, 2) see other people's lives, and 3) live in interaction with others. You will learn how to go from knowledge, wisdom, intention, and decision making to action - to follow your purpose and live out your dreams and potential.

If you prefer to watch a video about this Masterplan course - please watch the following:

Conscious Life Leadership Mastermind has three main areas of focus

I will give you a brief understanding here about each area. Please go to Castle Course: Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan for a more detailed description of this course.

A: Be One with Your Inner Being - Know Your True Nature

You learn to peel off the veiling layers to your higher consciousness to gain renewed clarity and insight. It is from this place that you consciously create and manifest your life. You connect at a deeper level with your core Being and the world around you. You learn to see with greater clarity as you recognize hindering mental structures, perceptions, emotions, etc. - and move closer to experiencing the deep spacious feeling of inner peace.

B: Get a Practice to Live in the Now - Create Focus, Concentration, Calm, and Inner Well-Being

You learn to have a practice that helps you live in the now, create inner focus, concentration, as well as bodily and mental peace. Tune into your inner natural Being. This will deepen your insight and understanding of both yourself and others resulting in greater levels of self-worth, compassion, and gratitude.

C: Self-Inquire to Live an Authentic Life and Go from A to B with Direction, Meaning, and Joy

Learn how self-inquiry provides deep knowledge about who you are, which allows you to live an authentic life with coherence between your inner and outer world. This way you experience the passion, joy, and energy that comes from living out your dreams and visions. 

You gain knowledge about your purpose, your core values, activity values, inspiration, driving forces, motivation, and thereto learn to match 'who-you-are' with your purpose/goals, and finally plan how to make dreams and visions your reality.

Your Personal Road to Success

With Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan, I give you the best of the best from 25 years of studies and research in the areas of relations, leadership, processes, and development as well as a life as a researcher, entrepreneur, editor-in-chief, consultant, speaker, personal advisor, lecturer, writer, etc. 

Over 6 months, you get a huge package of knowledge, practice, and understanding that all have been tested in practice and always moves people closer to their goals. Most of all, it will bring you greater levels of calm, flow, energy, health, strength, and zest in your life.

While you get the knowledge you need to make positive changes, more importantly, I show you in a very concrete way - how you specifically plan to make your dreams come true. Your success is about combining self-knowledge with practice and planning to ensure a great match between who you are, your goals, and your planning.

It is much easier to live out your dreams than not live out your dreams. 

This may sound too good to be true but think about it. Are you mostly inspired and motivated when you live your passion or when you are not. Not living out your passion is like swimming upstream. This is why people are so surprised by the momentum they experience when they allow themselves to be guided by the stream instead of swimming against it.

Conscious Life Leadership Mastermind

The Content of Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan:

  • A 6-months course, which provides you with a great sense of direction, meaning, and joy
    • In sum, the course offers:
      • Knowledge lectures
      • Practice lectures
      • Private sessions - one-on-one conversations
      • A network for all participants
      • Workshop
  • Weekend at Dallund Castle at Funen from Friday 18-20. marts, 2022 (In English)
    • 9 teachings sessions and 3 practice sessions over three days
    • Meals and accommodation from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon are included in the price
  • Network group with the opportunity for continual interaction during the entire course
    • All participants can pose questions and share knowledge and experiences
    • The network makes it possible for me to guide you throughout the course by answering specific questions
  • Feedback from you to me (English or Danish)
    • Two months into the course, you return a short questionnaire concerning your developments and challenges
    • Four months into the course,  you will again send feedback about your progress
  • 4 Private one-on-one conversations, where we focus specifically on your progress (English or Danish)
    • Conversation 1: In light of your first feedback we discuss your visions, plans, and progress and thereto evaluate any needs for change
    • Conversation 2: We have a follow-up conversation about joys and challenges
    • Conversation 3: After the second feedback, once again we discuss your personal path to success and if it's on track
    • Conversation 4: It's time to look a bit further into the future and talk about how to maintain your positive progress
  • Workshop about Aware Life Leadership with Success / Q&A / Wrap-up (English)
    • Online workshop with more advanced knowledge about how to create long-lasting success
    • Q & A
    • We wrap up the course, yet hold on to the network group for those of you who would like to continue the conversation

Accommodation at Dallund Castle

Dallund Castle is a pearl of nature, located in northern Funen. People at Dallund Castle have an immense focus on sustainability, which shows through their focus on biodiversity, homegrown vegetables, honey production, fruit orchard, and the vegetarian menu their kitchen proudly serves.

At the castle, you are accommodated in beautiful light rooms with a view of the lake, the castle grounds, or the surrounding fields. All rooms are tastefully and individually decorated to suit you as a guest.

Who is Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard?

A creative, joyful, and very much alive person who cares about the greater unity of all. 

In terms of educational background, I am originally a sociologist from Aalborg University and the University of Copenhagen, respectively, and have a Ph.D. from Copenhagen Business School in Organizational Studies and Innovation Management.

As a researcher, I have enjoyed 6 years as an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Technology, Sydney, and continue research with international research friends. In collaboration with ManageMagazine, I do talks, courses, and workshops about conscious life leadership, cross-functional collaboration/integration, strategy development, and much more. My journey between A and B is about knowledge, wisdom, and guiding people to connect with their core inner Being and thereby live harmonious joyful lives. We cannot create peace in the outer world without peace in our inner world.

Moreover, I have the pleasure of doing board work and being a strategic advisor to companies ready for the necessary change that growth and positive change requires.

Finally, in recent years, I have had the pleasure of being a personal advisor to leaders and private people who want to positively transform their personal and professional success.

You can read more on my homepage, at About VVB, on LinkedIn or at ManageMagazine's about page, or Advisory Board ManageMagazine. You may also like to listen to the PodCast: Business is Human, not Theory, or Models where I'm interviewed by Mark LeBusque for the podcast series: Simply Practically Human.

If you have questions, please feel free to call me at 5059 5013 between 9 AM and 3 PM - Monday -Friday,  Danish time.

What is the Price for Joining Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan?

Where the cost of private counseling sessions is 25,000 Danish kroner a month or 90,000 Danish kroner for 6 months - you do not need to make that kind of investment to join this course. On the contrary. Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan gives you the opportunity for enjoying teaching sessions, practice sessions, and personal advice with a relatively small investment, and I get the opportunity to follow my own personal vision of guiding you and a small group to a more joyous and meaningful life.

The total cost of Conscious Life Leadership Masterplan is 19.199 + VAT (4.800 kr.) -  a total of 23,999 Danish kroner incl. VAT.

The price includes 9 learning modules, 3 practice sessions, two nights and all meals at Dallund Castle from Friday to Sunday, teaching materials, 4 personal counseling conversations, an online workshop, and a networking group as described above.

This castle course is a rare opportunity to go deep and learn to connect with your Inner Being, have a practice, and learn self-inquiry. All necessary to engage fully in an aware way of living.

I look forward to seeing you and getting to know you at Dallund Castle on Friday the 18th of November, 2022.


VVB løfter mennesker til bedre liv, bedre lederskab, bedre organisationer, højere bevidsthed, mere glæde, samarbejde og kommunikation. Det er godt for det enkelte menneske og alle i netværket - om det er familie, kolleger eller venner. Hjælpen baseres på 25 års erfaring med forskning og vidensudvikling; herunder 7 år som æresforsker ved University of Technology i Sydney, et direktørjob på ManageMagazine - et globalt ledelsesmagasin, samt et arbejdsliv som entreprenør, foredragsholder, virksomhedsrådgiver og bestyrelsesmedlem.


Dallund Dallund, Dallundvej 63, 5471 Søndersø


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