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Clear Your Path to Wealth Mind Sets

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Clear Your Path to Wealth Mind Sets

De DKK 100,00



Feb 15 2020 14:30 - 17:00


I was first introduced to SRT – Subconscious Release Technique when I was being challenged by all the different software programs that I needed to learn and navigate in order to succeed in my online group coaching business. A little exaggerated maybe, but each time I sat down to learn the programs my fight-flight-freeze syndrome was activated. My learning was so slow.🤓🙄

A friend who is an SRT Mind and Energy Expert offered to help me identify what was blocking me from learning the technical skills of being a business owner. She did, and today, 9 months later I am buzzing through tech tools like a rocket scientist. I can now do video editing and filming, hold online meetings, create eBooks and online courses because I committed to SRT.

Having enjoyed what SRT could do for me, I jumped at the opportunity to be a certified SRT Mind and Energy Coach myself. I was certified in September 2019.🥰

Now it is my mission to share this ground-breaking technique to help clear your path to True Energetic Freedom and Abundance as well see the value of using the technique on yourself when are ready to throw off the burdens and restrictions that are limiting you. 

During this  SRT workshop, learn:

  • What SRT, the subconscious release technique is
  • Learn muscle testing
  • Learn what emotions are linked with your different programs and blocks
  • identify blocks that keep us from receiving abundance and prosperity & release limiting financial beliefs and feel empowered  
  • use affirmations that will raise the energy vibration of the body and hence attract people and things of the same high vibration
  • When we “clear” the programs, it will no longer release the negative emotion. Therefore you can hear the same phrase, hear a name, or remember the same traumatic incident, and it will have no longer have any impact. You don’t get triggered and go into a spin. You no longer get ruffled.⭐️🤩 Does that make sense?

How will you feel after the workshop? One or all of the following:

  • Less tension in your body
  • Like a ton of bricks is lifted off you
  • The pressure within is released
  • You will feel more calm

See you soon.

To know more about me and my methods, please click here.

With love and peace,

Lian Henriksen

Testimonal from a client:


Mind-Body Basics Mind-Body Basics, Peter Fabersgade 1, kld, tv, 2200N Nørrebro


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