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Clown workshop for performers - with Pedro fabião.

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Clown workshop for performers - with Pedro fabião.

Von 500,00 DKK



09. November 2019, 10:00 Uhr - 10. November 2019, 18:00 Uhr


Clown for Performers - From Being to Doing

Recommendation by Boaz Barkan: 

"This workshop is relevant for all physical performers who understand the importance of authentic, relaxed connection on stage. The ability to be yourself, respond and interact without pretence and masks is something we can cultivate and nurture. Pedro’s workshop offers many practices and insights into these performative questions - stimulating and challenging"!


About the workshop:

The essence of 'Clown' is an altered body/mind state full connection, curiosity, authenticity, playfulness, generous expression and transformation. It's not a technique, a method, light entertainment or rational humour – it involves a life-long journey to accept and play with what is really happening to the clown/performer in front of an audience. It's function is to release the tension between the opposites of life by turning them upside down, originating laughter and a poetic transformation.

In this workshop we will clear what each performer communicates on stage to let the audience see what’s essential in him/her. Everything will be aimed at generating life between the clown and the audience. We’ll set the conditions so we find what truly unbalances, moves and thrills each participant – and help them reveal it. We will experience strong emotions and find a playful channel for them. We’ll be sometimes out of control, and we will taste both failure and vibrant joy.

There is a progression in the training. I adapt the pedagogy to participants’ level of stage experience, so that everyone can find meaningful and practical material which they can apply to their work.

The more it’s practiced, this work will have growing benefits on:

  • taking a journey through emptiness-emotion-action and finally to structured play, cutting through mental ideas 
  • following and developing clear impulses 
  • the awareness to oneself, and how to play with any emotion arriving between one and the audience
  • generating complicity, which is connection, pleasure and trust, with the audience and scene partners
  • understand and practice the main individual transformation journey that each participant has to find on stage

My approach is based on pleasure, respect and challenge at the level each person is able to take.



Pedro is a clown-actor, international teacher, director, trainer, coach and group specialist. 

He directed the biggest professional clown organisation in Portugal (www.narizvermelho.pt) for several years.

Pedro is a professional actor and theatre director having performed and directed in several countries in Europe, South America and Africa. 

He’s been teaching performers and clowns everywhere around the world, like in the USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Austria, Portugal, among others.

He specialised in adapting Clowning, Improv, Physical Theatre and Psychology based training tools to the specific needs of professional groups primarily in the areas of Business Training/Coaching, Psychology and Education.

He developed training programs and inspirational talks for companies like Google, several TV channels, Lisbon Metro, Carris, STML (Portugal) and collaborates with continuous programs of executive training organisations like Evolution in Russia (https://evolution.to) and Open-Mind Management in Latvia (http://www.openmind.lv/clutterbuck-riga/). He graduated in Theatre at École Philippe Gaulier, Paris, and in Psychology at Coimbra University, Portugal.



If you want to sign up as a member of PACE please visit our website WWW.PACECPH.DK 

Maximum participants are 15. 


PACE members: 500DKK

PAK members: 500DKK

Non PACE/PAK members: 1200DKK

Workshop schedule:

08.11.2019 10.00-18.00 (Big break between 14.00 and 15.00)

09.11.2019 10.00-18.00 (Big break between 14.00 and 15.00)

Best regards PACE (www.pacecph.dk / pacecph@gmail.com) 



PACE's training facilities PACE's training facilities, Enghavevej 82c, 2450 København


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