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De DKK 75,00

Evento en línea


Abr 30 2021 15:00 - 18:00


New digital formats, modes of interaction and authorship have exploded as storyteller, creators, institutions and collectives build new worlds in the online space. At the same time, the economic precarity that existed long before the pandemic poses an even greater threat. What strategies should be embraced to ensure true resilience for the arts and cultural sectors in a post-pandemic world? Detailed programme to be announced later.

Please note that the event can only be seen live and will not be available for later viewing.


26-30 April 

CPH:CONFERENCE is a unique 5-day industry event taking place during CPH:DOX. Join us online Monday 26 to Friday 30 April and let’s RESET for the future together!

RESET! Join industry professionals and international guests for an intensive, fully online programme of interactive case studies, keynotes, workshops and discussions on what really drives the media industry and society at large right now. Together we will take a snapshot of the world we live in, examine the bigger structures of democracy, economy, climate and representation and focus on the role that storytellers and artists can and must play in improving our post-pandemic world. Each day is dedicated to a different theme which are all interlinked, helping us to actively rethink and reset the inherent systems of the industry. We will complete the series with an action day dedicated to collaborative work and change initiatives for the better.

The Conference is curated by The Catalysts.
The Conference is open to all accredited guests as well as the public, it will be fully online and accessible worldwide.

For more information and the detailed program please check our website.



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