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Creative Rendezvous: Discovering Eduardo Chillida

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Creative Rendezvous: Discovering Eduardo Chillida

Ab 315,00 DKK



12. März 2017, 12:00 Uhr - 15:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Buchen Sie mit Vertrauen: Billetto garantiert eine Rückerstattung für stornierte Veranstaltungen, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen. Erfahre mehr


Discovering Eduardo Chillida

Eduardo Chillida was a Spanish Basque sculptor notable for his monumental abstract works. Anna Sircova will introduce you to his paintings, sculptures and monumental public works. Through some simple exercises you will be able to create a variety of art work in style of Eduardo Chillida during the workshop.

All materials are provided. No previous knowledge in any of the techniques or mediums is needed.

Indulge your inner artist

These 2-3 hour workshops are designed to serve as a window into a different reality, a few hours just for yourself, away from usual stress, uncertainties, routines and give you an opportunity to zoom out, to do something different or something long forgotten, but enjoyable and invigorating.

We will experiment with color, create our own tribal patterns, explore positive and negative spaces, make collages, encode music in visual forms, etc. We will make art like Wassily Kandinsky, Eduardo Chillida and Sonia Delaunay among others.

I would like to offer you:

  • time to get together with your inner creative and a few other like minded people and do something fun and inspiring
  • time to discover some of your hidden talents, get in touch with your inner Kandinsky or maybe Hemingway..
  • time to get into the creative flow and extend the present moment
  • time to take a break, breathe, be with yourself and dissolve in your dreams and then continue with new energy and focus

Creative Rendezvous is the time for you!

It is the time to create and discover!

These workshops are a wild mix of art-history, making art, mindfulness techniques, theories and approaches of positive psychology, personality psychology and creativity development.

See full schedule here.

Workshop fee:

  • 1 session – 315 dkk
  • 3 sessions – 900 dkk
  • 6 sessions – 1620 dkk

All materials are provided. No previous knowledge in any of the techniques or mediums is needed.

Tea, coffee and snack is offered during the workshop.

When we will use paint, it’s a good idea to bring along an old t-shirt or an apron.


The workshops are offered by Anna Sircova.
Anna Sircova, PhD in Psychology, has over 10 years of research experience in exploring the concept of time. Passionate for cross-disciplinary approach, photography and other creative endeavors -


Time to create and discover Creative Time Studio uses creativity as a resource, applies theories of psychology of time and develops interventions that fuel innovative processes and change.


Creative Time Studio, Prinsesse Charlottes Gade 16 , 2200 Copenhagen N


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