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Design med Biologi

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Design med Biologi

De DKK 800.00



Ago 27 2018 10:00 - Ago 31 2018 16:00


Biologigaragen is happy to announce the first in a series of courses and workshops aimed at combining biology with design and art.

This week long course will have you question the boundaries of what biology looks like and how we can use biology in our work.Be it within innovation, design or engineering.

The workshop will be an intro to designing, creating, working and thinking with living matter.
The participants will review capabilities of biology and biological technologies for use within the future, and explore frameworks for exploring this new domain, its implications as well as ethics whilst understanding opportunities that the future offers. Participants will have the chance to learn about systems and biological processes and work with grown material that is all local to the danish eco system we live in.

We are surrounded inside and out by bacteria. Inside our food and on our skin, in our rivers and on our streets, communities of microbes have cultivated rich biome. Everyday living matter and our ecology are advancing and design plays a big role in defining and making new products, services and paradigms of interaction with the living world. As technologies in biology advance, we not only encourage it but find it crucial for different disciplines to come together to shape the way evolve our biosphere and habitat.

Attendee’s will a hands-on introduction to growing and working with many different micro organisms ranging from yeast, fungi, bacteria, algae and other living items, learning about standard methodologies to genetic analysis and deep dive into observation of cells, ethics and sustainability within biology . Finally, leverage the design process and prototyping methodologies to evolve, rethink and re-imagine biological experiences today and in the future.

The course will be split up into onsite lectures at Biologigaragen, as well as field trips to various spaces and workshops across Copenhagen.Where you will also learn how to use your new found knowledge after the course is over.

No two days are the same and attendee's will find themselves immersed in a creative, nourishing and enriching programme that will add value to their future work and studies.

The course will be divided into 3 sections

2 days split into - Grow: Hands-on cultivation of classical form of engagement with living organisms from fungi to algae to yeast fermentation and more.Learn bio fabrication , bacterial textiles and how to implement them on a daily basis.

2 days split into - Analyse: Deep dive into the observation of cells and genes. Looking into and working with the scientific method and knowledge of biotechnology from past to present.Test your own DNA and create wearable DNA jewellery as well as being able to create a personal biome kit.

1 day - Evolve: Developing biological frameworks, evolving design scenarios, prototyping and reflecting on the future of biology.Figuring out where ethical becomes non ethical and how sustainable is the future of these practises.

The course is ran within Biologigaragen's frame work for citizen science and sustainable education for all.Meaning that regardless of the applicants background they are welcomed and valued.There is no pre-requirements to attend this course, all we ask is that you want to explore and learn.

The programme is ran in English with danish available on request.

Price for the 5 days of intensive learning -Includes all materials, handouts and refreshments as well as one months membership to Biologigaragen after the course is over, allowing you to come back in and create and educate yourself more.

We will offer 20 places only.So be sure to secure your's once the tickets go on sale.


Titangade, 2200 København, Denmark Titangade, 2200 København, Denmark, Titangade 11 , 2200 København


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