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EROS Rising

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EROS Rising

Von 280,00 DKK


EROS Rising 

In the summer heat we come together on the dance floor to connect with EROS - the creative, luscious lifeforce energy, that lives within us as an expression of our true nature.

    In this 3-hour evening workshop you will be guided on a journey; dancing and moving into full contact with your body and into connections with others.

    Rising EROS is your chance to get “out of your head” and “into your body” awakening the senses and letting pleasure be your guide. Here you can let go of the common habit of how you ought to show up. Instead, you are invited to stay curious – to explore what moves inside, outside and between us moment to moment.

    From presence to flow 

    We will start by awakening our senses and softly connect to ourselves. What is alive right here and now? From this place of presence, grounding, and curiosity we move together into a state of flow. In and out of connection with others exploring presence and playfulness, sensing ourselves, sensing each other, and sensing the field in between – feeling the interconnectedness in both stillness and ecstasy. 

    The intention for this evening is to create a safe container to explore and express our true nature, to feel the freedom and aliveness that arises when we tap into our creative luscious lifeforce energy.

    Consent is everything. Always make sure to get a clear “YES” before any physical interaction. It is ALWAYS okay to say no. Consent makes it simple. The safer we feel, the more we dare to express our self.

    Do you want to rise with us? 

    I will be your facilitator
    On a daily basis, I facilitate Conscious Dance and workshops that explore different forms of Conscious Relating. I am a Certified Ritual Play facilitator and Mindfulness instructor (MBSR).

    My passion is to create spaces for honest and authentic meetings - to create opportunities for people to dare to be "themselves" and where it is safe to let go of "masks" and judgements. I enjoy creating playful spaces where we with curiosity explore the possibilities that exist, to feel fully alive.

    For almost two decades, I have been active in various tantric and David Deida-inspired women's groups, and I have participated in a few longer retreats with David Deida. This has inspired me to work with polarity and intimacy in relationships.

    I am a trained nurse and Mindfulness instructor (MBSR) and have worked with stress research and stress management for several years.


    Saturday April 9th.

    7pm – 10pm


    Please arrive no later than 18:45, so you have time for a cup of tea and we will be ready to begin at 19:00.
    Bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes that allows you to move freely. NOTE: This is a clothes-on event.


    280 kr
    Tickets are non-refundable, but you are welcome to re-sell your ticket in case you cannot participate.


    Rört – studio 1
    Vermundsgade 13
    2100 Kbh. Ø

    I am looking very much forward to guiding this evening. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

    Rikke Libak 



    Rört Rört, Vermundsgade 13, 2100 København


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