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Experimental Electronic Music From Iran

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Experimental Electronic Music From Iran

De DKK 108.00



Dec 10 2019 20:00 - 23:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Døre kl 19 / koncert kl 20

Fire grænsesøgende acts indtager ALICE til en aften helliget Irans eksperimenterende elektroniske musikscene. Glæd dig til at opleve Rojin Sharafi, Pouya Ehsaei, 9T Antilope og Temp-Illusion.

De seneste år er en eksperimenterende elektronisk musikscene vokset ud af Iran, og et væld af spændende acts har udgivet på internationale labels og prydet festivalplakater rundt omkring i verden. Men selvom scenen har en fælles tilknytning hvor den er opstået, har mange kunstnere valgt at flytte ud af Iran på grund af landets politiske omstændigheder. De iranske rødder blandet med mange forskellige kulturelle indtryk, udgør således det kunstneriske grundlag og den særlige lyd for de iranske elektroniske musikere. ALICE er glade for denne aften at lægge hus til en showcase, som præsenterer fire på hver sin måde vigtige navne fra scenen.

Rojin Sharafi

Rojin Sharafi er en Wien-baseret iransk lydkunstner og komponist, som især har slået sine kreative folder med akustisk-, elektro-akustisk- og elektronisk musik. Med samarbejder inden for bl.a. Film- og videokunst og performance, er Sharafi fokuseret på tekstur og genrekrydsninger og eksperimenterer med elementer af noise, folk, ambient og metal. 

Pouya Ehsaei

Med base i London og en PhD i Musikteknologi fra University of York, har iranske Pouya Ehsaei indgået i talrige samarbejder inden for bl.a. musikensembler, dans og performance. Han sammenfletter samples af traditionel iransk musik med video og computergrafik og skaber på én gang frodige og melankolske soundscapes som man kan lade sig opsluge af.

9T Antiope

9T Antilope er en iransk duo bestående af Nima Aghiani og Sara Bigdeli Shamloo, som har været aktive siden 2014 og står bag en lang række udgivelser og shows rundt i Europa. Duoen kombinerer iranske akustiske instrumenter, vokaler og elektroniske flader og skaber både smukke, fyldige og kaotiske lydlandskaber.


Temp-Illusion er en elektronisk eksperimenterende duo, som udgøres af Shahin Entezami og Behrang Najafi der begge har rødder i Tehran. Siden 2011 har duoen eksperimenteret med både synths og adskillige programmer, som de har skabt deres egen unikke dance-musik med. Temp-Illusion er primært kendt som et live-band, og de har spillet på TADAEX, SET Festival, Paraffin Tehran, SETXCTM og Berlins CTM festival. Deres debutplade “Autolected” (2019) udkom på Zabte Sote, som er søsterlabel til Opal Tapes.

In English:

During the last couple of years, an Experimental/Electronic music scene has emerged from Iran including many artists who have released in various great international labels and have had lots of live performances in related festivals around the world. The thing that sounds unique about this scene, is that because of the country’s circumstances, many of these artists have as well chosen to move to different geographies and have experienced different cultures and environments, which has sometimes affected their music and had made it different in combination with their background. The idea behind the showcase is to figure out these differences and similarities in aesthetics and artistic point of views, all emerging just from one scene. This night we’re happy to present four acts of the scene at ALICE.

Rojin Sharafi

Rojin Sharafi is a sound artist and composer of acoustic, electro-acoustic and electronic music based in Vienna.She has been working on different multimedia art projects and has been collaborated with different musicians, Ensembles, filmmakers, video-artists and performers, working with structures and genre bending. 

Pouya Ehsaei

Pouya Ehsaei is an Iranian artist residing in London. He has been involved in different projects and collaborations with performers, dancers, and musicians. He experiments with sound, words, video and computer graphics in order to create a piece that keeps the meaning and sensations open for the audience.

9T Antiope

9T Antiope duo band consists of Iranian musicians "Nima Aghiani“ and "Sara Bigdeli Shamloo". Working since 2014, they have put out several releases. The main focus of the band is on experimental music, using layers of acoustic instruments, electronics and combining them with vocals and lyrics, in order to narrate tiny bits or huge landscapes of the chaotic worlds they vision, along with their inhabitants.


Existing since 2011, Temp-Illusion is an Iranian experimental/electronic duo consisting of Shahin Entezami and Behrang Najafi, both natives of Tehran, Iran. They use a wide range of music programs and hardware synthesizers in their music production to combine noisy and atmospheric layers with melodies and complex beat programming to achieve a unique style of dance music. Temp-Illusion are mainly known as a live band, and they have performed in various shows and festivals such as TADAEX, SET Festival, Paraffin Tehran, SETXCTM and Berlin’s CTM festival among others. Also, Their debut “Autolected” released on Zabte Sote Label which is a sister label of Opal Tapes on February 2019.


Opened on the 1st of February 2018, ALICE is Copenhagen’s powerhouse for adventurous music. ALICE is presenting a bold and high quality program of global roots, jazz/improv, electronic music, sonic experiments and much more, shedding light on musical roots and legendary artists as well as exciting new breakthroughs from all over the world.


Alice Alice, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København


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