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Feminist Technoscience in Practice: Assistive Technologies

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Feminist Technoscience in Practice: Assistive Technologies

Da Gratis



Nov 07 2023 15:30 - 17:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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This is the second event in the series 'Feminist Technoscience in Practice', a series consisting of three events that highlight practical application of digital and critical feminist methods. 

Each event feature talks by a guest speaker followed by a workshop that invites you to experiment with the presented methods. The events are rooted in technical practices but are tailored to accommodate any level of technical experience. 

You are welcome to participate in one, two or all three of the events. If you take part in all three events, you will receive a certificate from ETHOS Lab stating that you have completed the educational and experimental series ‘Feminist Technoscience in Practice’ at the IT University of Copenhagen.

This event takes place on November 7th at the IT University with our excellent guest speaker Mai Hartmann, Digital Accessibility Specialist and Lecturer. She will give a talk on how assistive technologies mediates user experience and discuss potential pitfalls of empathy. 

15:30-15:35: Welcome and brief introduction by ETHOS Lab
15:35-16:20: Talk by Mai Hartmann
16:20-17:15: Workshop
17:15-17:30: Open discussion and shared reflections

Layers of experience: How assistive technology mediates user experience (and why empathy is overrated)

The workshop invites participants to explore and interact with assistive technology, particularly the screen readers that are inherent to their own device(s). Furthermore, this workshop explores differences in HTML boilerplates and how the code and application of semantic tags influence the experience of using a screen reader.

We encourage you to bring your laptop and a headset. If you have an IDE installed already e.g. Visual Studio Code, this will come in handy for the practical part of the workshop. If you do not have an IDE installed already, there is no need to worry! We will introduce you to another way of assessing the code. 

Practical Info
All smartphones and Mac computers have a built in screen reader. That is not the case for Windows computers. If you have a Windows computer, you can install the screen reader NVDA for free (see links below). We encourage you to do this before the workshop. 

Guides and Links: 
Installation guide
Keyboard shortcuts

Apple's guide:
Keyboard shortcuts:

Workshop Material

ETHOS Lab is a critical feminist methods laboratory dedicated to experimentation at the intersection of digital methods, ethnographic inquiry, and speculative fabulation. We take seriously the Harawayian notion that methods make worlds and so consider reflection and creativity with methods an essential part of our work as investigators of technological worlds and the ways we hope to reshape them through our research practice.

Read more about the Lab and our work here.


ETHOS Lab is a critical feminist methods laboratory at the IT University in Copenhagen. We are dedicated to experimentation at the intersection of digital methods, ethnographic inquiry, and speculative fabulation.

Luogo dell'evento

IT-Universitetet i København (4A58), Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 København


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