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How should students live in urban areas?

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How should students live in urban areas?

De Gratuito



Dic 01 2017 08:15 - 10:00


This event will be in Danish

Finding ways to address the lack of student housing in Copenhagen

The lack of student accommodation ranks high on the political agenda in Copenhagen. In total, the city lacks an estimated 10,000 student housing units. Although there is much urban development happening in the city right now, the shortfall in student accommodation is not decreasing as student numbers are set to increase.

The architectural community and building industry have taken up the challenge and started to suggest ways to solve this problem.

Several players on the field have put forward new proposals for new student accommodation and building types. These new ideas include Henning Larsen and NREP's concept UMEUS, Arkitema’s ideas to find additional square meters in the sky, and CPH Village's project of providing temporary housing in developing areas.

The suggestions have led to animated discussions about the direction of future student living in the city.

One of the key question is: what do different kinds of student housing mean and entail for residents, neighbours and Copenhagen as a whole?

To address these issues, BLOXHUB and the above mentioned participants, invites architects, urban planners, students and politicians to discuss and exchange opinions and deliberate potential solutions.


08.15 – Get-in coffee & croissant
08.30 – Welcome and introduction

08.35 – Pitch + 'join the table' discussion : CPH Village, Frederik Noltenius Busch, Co-founder and partner
Frederik Noltenius Busch, Marcus Vesterager (politiker + kadk studerende), Kasper Guldager (GXN), Iben Koch (UBS Bolig)

09.00 – Pitch + 'join the table' discussion : Uptown, Dorthe Keis, Partner at Arkitema
Dorthe Keis, Rasmus Kjær Slot (Danske studerendes fællesråd), Jonas Bjørn (politiker), Iben Koch (UBS Bolig)

09.25 – Pitch + 'join the table' discussion : UMEUS, Signe Kongebro, Partner at HLA
Signe Kongebro, Kasper Guldager (GXN), Sana Mahin Doost (Danske studerendes fællesråd), Mads Møller (Arcgency)

09.45 – Final words and the possibility of getting a guided tour in Arcgency's exhibition : 'Permanent Midlertidighed'/'Permanent Permanence' (same venue)

Moderator: Katrine Lotz, Head of Institute, KADK

You, as audience. will have the possibility to take part the debate.



Dreyers Galleri, DAC, Strandgade 27B, 1401 København


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