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Keeping the AA Spirit Alive

Foto por Tim Marshall @ Unsplash
Evento cancelado

Keeping the AA Spirit Alive

De DKK 1,500,00



Ago 21 2020 16:00 - Ago 23 2020 16:00


Come and join us for a wonderful weekend of sobriety and fellowship at this wonderful location in Denmark. This is the first Nordic Sobriety Retreat in Denmark:

Theme: Keeping the AA-spirit alive

Come and listen to how to keep the AA-spirit alive in your self and in your AA community. We have invited Bill C from the USA - more speakers and a full program will follow.

The speakers

Bill C - (35+ years of sobriety) married for over 20 years to Karen C - (30+ years of sobriety)

Others to be announced.

Tentative Programme

  1. Speaks
  2. Workshops with subjects like:
    1. Living your amends
    2. Keeping your group thriving
    3. Practical Spirituality and Intimacy in Relationships
    4. Sponsorship
  3. 12 step meetings
  4. Walks
  5. Dinner
  6. Meditation

More to come

The price includes:

Full board:

  • Accommodation in 2 person shared room (separate beds) 
  • 2 x Breakfast
  • 2 x Lunch
  • 2 x Dinner
  • Coffee, tea, fruit


Bosei is a beautiful college situated at the brink of Præstø Fjord. Præstø, a picturesque city, is situated nearby. 

The college is surrounded by woods, and whether you swim in the swimming pool, work out in the judo hall or dine in the large dining room, you will find yourself in the middle of nature. Outside there is a football field, tennis courts, calisthenics playground as well as challenging MTB tracks in the forest.

There is also not far to the water, so there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors.


We aim at making this retreat strong in energy and intimate in numbers, which is no more than 100 people.

We urge all of our international friends to join us and bring their experience along, so we all can learn from each other.

Though this retreat is for members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Other 12 step programmers and friends of our fellowship are welcome to attend.


Bosei Bosei, Evensølundvej 5, 4720 Præstø


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