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Kevin Richard Martin (UK) + Lars Lundehave

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Kevin Richard Martin (UK) + Lars Lundehave

De DKK 138,00



Mar 11 2020 20:00 - 23:00


Døre kl 19 / koncert kl 20

Kevin Richard Martin (The Bug, King Midas Sound og Techno Animal) gæster ALICE og opfører sit personlige værk ‘Sirens’, der live byder på en totaloplevelse af ætsende ambiente lydflader, nådesløs dub og et mættet røg- og lysshow. Lars Lundehave åbner aftenen. Koncerten har et begrænset antal pladser.

Den britiske elektroniske musiker Kevin Richard Martin er manden bag The Bug, King Midas Sound, Techno Animal, Zonal og en lang række toneangivende og kompromisløse projekter, som han har igangsat siden 90’erne. 

Albummet “Sirens”, som udkom på Lawrence Englishs label Room40 i juni 2019, er dog hans første album under eget navn. Et intimt værk, der er skabt på baggrund af den krise han gik igennem, da hans nyfødte søn fik en lang række kritiske operationer den første måned af sit liv. Pladens karakter af terapeutisk bearbejdelse, magtesløshed og sorg gør den til Martins mest personlige album til dato. På “Sirens” udfolder Kevin Richard Martin traumet i en på én gang øm og ætsende lydverden, der veksler mellem kølige ambiente lydflader, langstrakte dissonante toner og nådesløs dub. Tiden bliver relativ og får sekunder til at føles som timer, og timer til at føles som sekunder. En form for livsrejse transformeret til lyd, der er både dybt personlig og samtidig universel og relaterbar. 

“Sirens” skal uden tvivl opleves live, hvor værket understøttes af et mættet lysshow og kaskader af røg, og publikum opfordres til at sidde eller ligge. En helt særlig totaloplevelse, som vi glæder os til at præsentere når Kevin Richard Martin gæster ALICE.

Sagt om Sirens:

“A record of unparalleled intimacy and sensitivity' - The Quietus

“The low-end mastermind behind the Bug and King Midas Sound turns his gut-rumbling frequencies and queasy atmospheres to the terrors of new parenthood.” - Pitchfork

Lars Lundehave

Lars Lundehave Hansen har i næsten to årtier markeret sig som en af Danmarks visionære lydkunstnere. Dette gennem en serie soloudgivelser og lydinstallationer, både i herhjemme og internationalt. Senest har hans mange stedspecifikke lydinstallationer, hans store udstilling The Space Between the Silence i 2017, såvel som hans 2016-album Terminal Velocity, hans fremragende evne til at opbygge et sonisk rum, der både er drømmende og fysisk. Lars Lundehave åbner aftenen for Kevin Richard Martin.

In English

Kevin Richard Martin is the man behind The Bug, King Midas Sound, Techno Animal, Zonal and a host of other uncompromisingly heavy projects he has instigated since the 90s. At ALICE, Martin will perform the work “Sirens” - an immersive live experience of ambient sounds, dub, light and fog.

Sirens (released on Lawrence English's Room40 imprint in June 2019), is his first record under his own name. Written as a therapeutic response to critical operations his newborn son endured in the first month of life, it is his most intensely personal work to date. The album traces out a sound world that is both tender and caustic. Within each piece, microcosms of sensation unfold, seconds become hours, and hours become seconds as Martin creates a sense of time that is without anchor and is foggy in a way that is profoundly unique. This is a life journey transposed into sound that is truly personal, but effortlessly universal and unfolds with cinematic dynamics.

Lars Lundehave

Lars Lundehave Hansen (1978) has for nearly two decades distinguished himself as one of the visionary Danish sound artists. This through a series of solo releases and sound-installations, both in Denmark and internationally. More recently his grand exhibition The Space Between the Silence in 2017 as well as his 2016 album Terminal Velocity shows his excellent ability to build a sonic space which is both dreamy yet physical. Lundehave will play a support set before kevin Richard Martin.


Opened on the 1st of February 2018, ALICE is Copenhagen’s powerhouse for adventurous music. ALICE is presenting a bold and high quality program of global roots, jazz/improv, electronic music, sonic experiments and much more, shedding light on musical roots and legendary artists as well as exciting new breakthroughs from all over the world.


Alice Alice, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København


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