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Kick-off event: Circular Construction Challenge - Rethink Waste

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Kick-off event: Circular Construction Challenge - Rethink Waste

De Gratuito



Ago 24 2018 09:00 - 18:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserve com confiança: a Billetto assegura o reembolso de eventos cancelados, garantindo a sua tranquilidade. Saber mais


Calling innovators, businesses and experts within circular construction!

Join us for the kick-off event for Circular Construction Challenge - Rethink Waste. We will launch the Challenge Call, explain the one-year process and speakers will share international experiences with both challenge processes and the specific challenge theme.

This is a don’t-miss experience if you consider to join the Challenge and go for the winner prize. The kick-off event will run from 2 PM - 4 PM in BLOX - Denmark’s world of architecture, design and new ideas - in the heart of Copenhagen.

Before and after the kick-off event we have arranged some side events for you to attend. If you want to get going with your own company’s circular transition or want to get the most updated brush-up on rules and regulations - leading experts host specialized workshops in the morning. And after the kick-off event, we invite you all to a glass in the afternoon sun at BLOX’s terrace - to network and hear about a brand new book by Lendager Group.

This will all take place in BLOX and it’s free to participate. Sign up is required and seats are limited for the workshop sessions.

Morning side events: For those who want the full day, choose between

9 AM - 1 PM:
Workshop: Circular Economy: From visionary idea to tangible results
y Lendager Group.

This workshop takes it point of departure in the brand new book ”A changemaker’s guide to the future”. The workshop offers a guide and tools to releash the potential within circular economy and help kickstart the transition in your business.

By registering for the workshop, you are not confirmed yet. Due to the limited number of seats, Lendager Group will give you with a final confirmation for your participation in this workshop .
See agenda for the workshop here


10 AM - 1 PM:
Thematic meeting: Reuse and recycling of building materials - regulation, market and valuation
Please note: This event will be in Danish.
See full program here

you can also come directly to

2 PM - 4 PM:
Kick-off event: Join the Circular Construction Challenge
By Realdania & Danish Design Centre
Kick-off event with talks, keynotes and launch of Challenge Call. Stay tuned for the detailed speakers program in beginning of August.

and stay for

4 PM - 6 PM:
Reception: Enjoy wine, network and Book Launch

Reception on the BLOX terrace with talks, exhibition and launch of the book - A changemaker’s guide to the future. CIRCULAR ECONOMY: THE TOOL FOR FUTURE-PROOFING BUILDINGS, BUSINESS & PLANET by Lendager Group

Learn more on the Circular Construction Challenge website



BLOX, 3. Floor BLOX, 3. Floor, Bryghuspladsen 8, 1473 København K


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