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Mayo 04 2018 10:00 - 14:00



A free seminar and workshop on the political participation of women in Palestine since the 1930s, lead by Dr. Faiha Abdulhadi.

Writing history is a subjective business. The writing of women’s history even more so, for its exclusion of women from the historical profession over many years. For the past 30 years, Dr. Faiha Abdulhadi has been righting (and writing) wrongs, creating space for women’s histories in what can often seem to be fixed landscape.

During the seminar and workshop, you will be lead by Dr. Abdulhadi through the testimonies of Palestinian women, who fled and fought during the 1948 Nakba and the Six-Day War of 1967. The event will explore new angles on women’s roles in historical Palestinian struggles. Whereas much has been written about women as victims of war, fleeing from conflict, Dr. Abdulhadi’s research has uncovered numerous testimonies, shedding light on women as soldiers, rebels and members of the resistance in their own right.

Contrary to the dominant narrative which has discounted women’s presence on the battlefield and in political life, this seminar will focus on how academics can use Dr. Abdulhadi’s methodologies to uncover new, untold, and previously neglected histories, in Palestine as well as elsewhere.

Dr. Faiha Abdulhadi is the founder and director of the Al-Rowad Academy and leads the 1948 Displacement Project. She is an author, poet, activist and lecturer, currently living in Ramallah.

This event is organised in collaboration with The Danish House in Palestine, DAPAWO and the Palestine History & Heritage Project.


Program details to come. Stay up-to-date by clicking 'attending' on the Facebook event.


The Danish House in Palestine (DHIP) is a non-profit, non-governmental, politically independent organization. We facilitate dialogue and cultural exchanges between Palestinians Danes. Our aim is to strengthen bilateral relations and encourage mutual respect and understanding between Denmark and Palestine.

DAPAWO blev dannet i marts 2013 af en gruppe danske og herboende palæstinensiske kvinder, som en tværpolitisk og uafhængig forening. DAPAWOs formål er at informere om palæstinensiske kvinders forhold i Danmark og Palæstina, og at støtte projekter til gavn for kvinder i Palæstina.

Working under the Faculty of Theology at the University of Copenhagen, Palestine History & Heritage Project is an international and interdisciplinary research project spanning five countries and 8 research centres. Its focus is the critical revision of Palestine’s history in order to provide the basis for the development of textbooks and teachers’ manuals for the Palestine Authority’s school system.


Talk Town er en samtaleby om ligestilling, køn og feminisme.


Stardust Stardust, Rådhusstræde 13, 1466 København K


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