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Maybeats '17 - Dance with DIGNITY

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Maybeats '17 - Dance with DIGNITY

De DKK 80.00



May 27 2017 12:00 - May 28 2017 14:00


80 kr. i forsalg
100 kr. i døren

Madbilletter købes i døren, og priserne for dem er følgende:
Aftensmad + natmad: 80 kr.
Kun natmad (ankomst efter 19.30): 50 kr.
Tillæg for brunch d. 28. maj: 20 kr.

Mobilepay + kontant (ingen dankort!)


Maybeats 2017 er en festival, der fokuserer på at kreere glædelige stunder, i det der umiddelbart omgiver os - natur. At gøre andres skrald til vores guld, konstruere og nytænke kasserede materialer. Dette vil i år vil skabe rammerne for de ellers unikke oplevelser, man kan udforske på vores to-dages festival, som selvfølgelig er krydret med noget fantastisk musik, i form af nogle af de nye navne fra den danske musikscene. Kom og nyd naturens farver, scenernes naturreferencer, barens genbrugsdrøm og de vilde dansehits der skal få gang i din fest!

MayBeats er en non-profit festival arrangeret og afholdt af Krogerup Højskole, hvor al overskud går til organisationen DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture. DIGNITY er en dansk menneskerettighedsorganisation, som behandler torturofre i Danmark og er tilstede i over 20 lande. DIGNITY samarbejder med lokale partnerorganisationer om, at bekæmpe tortur og hjælpe torturofre og deres familier til et bedre liv. DIGNITY har behandling, forskning, international udvikling og fortalervirksomhed under ét tag. Deres mål er at bekæmpe brugen af tortur, umenneskelig og nedværdigende behandling og at udrydde andre former for organiseret vold.


Maybeats 2017 is a festival which focuses on creating happy moments in our most profound surroundings - nature. Making others' trash our gold, constructing and innovate tossed materials. This is what will be the theme of this year's two-day festival, where good times will be accompanied by good music from our amazing bird nest-stage. Come and enjoy nature's colors, the nature references on the scenes and eqiupment, the recycling dream of the bar, and the fantastic line-up of artist that we have to get your party started!

Maybeats is a non-profit festival arranged and held by Krogerup Højskole, where all surplus are being donated to the organisation DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture. DIGNITY is a danish human rights organisation which deals with torture victims in Denmark, and is present in more than 20 countries. DIGNITY cooperates with local partner organisations in fighting touture, and helping touture victims and their families to a better life. DIGNITY is treatment, research, international development and advocacy under one roof. Their goal is to fight the use of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, and to exterminate other forms of organised violence.

Lineup til Maybeats 2017:
The Entrepreneurs x Aksglæde x Grand Prix x SAINT BEST x MANILA x One More Than 12 x Rainbrother x Citadel Kbh

Instagram: @krogeruphøjskole
Snapchat: @krogerup
#dancewithdignity #maybeats17


Krogerup Højskole, Krogerupvej 13, 3050 Humlebæk


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